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Monday, 27 April 2020

GRECIAN INN, Lord Street

5 Lord Street.
In 1800, Lord Street was the principal business street in the town.
Would now be standing in the Court of Quarter Sessions (as was),
part of the Town Hall.
1850 August 23rd.   License applied for by Walmsley / Spencer
1851 - 54                 Daniel Spencer  -  Owned by James Walmsley.
1857 - 63                 John Lawrenson - d. 11.1.1863. Wife, Mary, died 22.12.1862 aged 38 years.
1863 - 68                 Joseph Culshaw
1869 - 77                 Richard Eatough    1873 Still owned by James Walmsley
1878                        Mr. Mercer        d. 1878
1878 - 81                Elizabeth Mercer
1881 - 86                Thomas Crossthwaite
1886 - 91                John Valentine
1891 - 95                George Catlow (see picture above)
1895    PULLED DOWN.
This appeal was seeking the grant of an excise licence to sell spirits.
1851 is the first date I have for the "GRECIAN INN" I wonder what
it had been known as prior to that, when it would have been  a beer-house?
Preston Chronicle  25th October 1851
Preston Guardian 30th October 1852
Last evening, Mrs. Spencer, wife of Mr. Daniel
Spencer of the Grecian Inn, Lord Street, was on
her way to Garstang, in the mail-cart from Great
Eccleston, where she had been staying for a few
days, to take the train for this town. She was
suddenly taken ill, and almost immediately expired.
Preston Chronicle  4th June 1853
Preston Guardian 2nd September 1854
Preston Guardian 6th January 1855
Preston Guardian 13th November 1858
Preston Guardian 24th December 1858
Preston Guardian 22nd January 1859
Preston Guardian 2nd June 1860
Preston Guardian 26th January 1861
THAT  desirable and well-established PUBLIC-
HOUSE,  the "Grecian Inn" Lord Street, with
all the excellent Stabling attached, lately in the 
occupation of Mr. John Lawrenson, deceased.

Apply to JAS. WALMSLEY, plumber, glazier,
amd painter, Fishergate.
Preston Chronicle  17th January 1863
Preston Guardian 28th February 1863

Apply at the Grecian Inn.
Preston Chronicle  14th January 1865
An elderly man, named Matthew Etherington, was arraigned on a charge of stealing a basket worth 1s 4d, the property of John Seed, farmer. Roseacre. Mr. Ascroft appeared for the prosecution. 
On Saturday last the prosecutor's wife left the basket in the brewhouse of the Waterloo Inn, Friargate, but missed it at about 12 o'clock at noon. About that time, PC Stanicliffe saw the prisoner in the yard of the Grecian Inn , off  Lord Street, emptying some chaff out of a basket. The prisoner had also another basket with him. Stanicliffe asked him to whom they belonged, to which he replied that they were his own, but refused to state where he lived.
He was then brought to the police station, and after the owner of one of the baskets had been found, the constable charged him with stealing it, when he said, "I know nothing about it, or how I got it; I was drunk at the time."
The prisoner was further charged with stealing a basket, containing four cloths and an apron, from the entrance of the bar of the Waterloo Inn, on the same day, the property of Mr. John Hodgkinson, farmer, Chipping. The basket and clothes were worth 2s 6d. The prisoner was committed for trial at the Sessions.
Preston Herald   4th May 1867
Preston Guardian  22nd February 1868
A recommendation was to be made to purchase the Grecian Inn, Lord Street, 
and the White Hart Inn, Gin Bow Entry, at the next meeting of the Council.
Lytham and Kirkham Times, 17th December 1873
LOST,  a BLACK RETRIEVER dog; answers to the name of "Captain". Anyone bringing him to the Grecian Inn, Lord Street, will be rewarded. Detaining him after this notice will be prosecuted.
Preston Herald - 20 January 1875
On Monday evening Court Commendable, No. 255, of the Ancient Order of Foresters, held an anniversary supper at their Court-house, the Grecian Inn, Lord Street, when an excellent spread was done ample justice to by a company numbering over 80.
A band of five performers played some excellent music during the evening. 
The usual loyal and other toasts were given, the remainder of the evening being occupied with dancing, songs, recitations, and readings. The proceedings were very enjoyable.
Preston Herald   31st March 1875
Preston Guardian 18th September 1880
MR JOHN CRITCHLEY announces that he will Sell by Auction, without reserve, at the time and place below mentioned, Two Bays of rich, herby, old MEADOW HAY, containing together, about200 yards. Terms: cash at fall of hammer.
Black Bull Inn, Midge Hall, Leyland, and Grecian Inn, Lord Street, Preston, on Saturdays, from twelve till two.
PRESTON HERALD   4th February 1882
A selection of typical Auction Sales:

At the Borough Police Court yesterday, Robert Wright, who said he came from Kirby Stephen, Westmoreland, was charged with stealing a horse, valued £30, the property of Abraham Duckworth, saddler, Ramsbottom, on Wednesday morning, the 6th inst. Mr. Bramwell prosecuted. Duckworth came to Preston on the day mentioned, and proceeded to the GRECIAN INN Yard, where he put the horse up.
The prisoner was loitering about, and asked to be allowed to attend to the horse, and the prosecutor allowed him to do so. The prosecutor afterwards took the horse out and sold it, but bought another which he took to the stables at the Grecian Inn yard.
The prisoner was there, and brushed the horse, and afterwards took it out for exercise, returning in about ten minutes. The prosecutor then gave the horse over to the ostler.
About three o'clock in the afternoon Duckworth went for his horse, but was told by the ostler that the prisoner had taken it away. The prosecutor went in search of the prisoner, whom he found trotting the horse as if for sale. Giving no explanation as to his intentions, the prisoner was apprehended and given into custody. A remand was granted for a week in order to make enquiries.
Preston Herald   9th January 1886
The Full-licensed HOUSE known as the "GRECIAN INN", to be Let, situate in Lord Street, Preston. Sealed tenders, endorsed "Grecian Inn", to be sent to the Corporation Steward, 16 Church Street, Preston, not later than noon on Tuesday, the 16th inst. The Corporation do not bind themselves to accept the highest or any tender.
PRESTON HERALD   13th July 1889
MR. J. CRITCHLEY has been instructed by Mr. John Valentine, to sell by Auction, on Thursday next, August 15th, about 25 valuable CART and HARNESS HORSES, Cobs and Ponies; also a large variety of Carriages, comprising Gigs, Dogcarts, Business Traps, suitable for all sized of horses; also a quantity of silver and brass-mounted Harness.
Entries taken up to day of sale. Sale to commence at one o'clock.
For further particulars apply to the AUCTIONEER or to the above inn.
PRESTON HERALD   10th August 1889
On Thursday afternoon a sale of horses by auction was announced to take place in the yard of the Grecian Inn, by Mr. J. Critchley, but very disagreeable weather prevailed in the morning, which militated against the attendance of farmers from a distance, and there was a very small gathering.
The animals submitted to the hammer number 25, and they included valuable cart horses, harness horses, cobs and ponies.
A very small proportion of these was sold, but the prices realised were not considered unsatisfactory.
PRESTON HERALD   17th August 1889
FOR SALE: Two ROUGH-COATED ST. BERNARD PUPPIES, with champion pedigree, colour orange and white.
Apply: J. Valentine, Grecian Inn, Preston.
Preston Herald   14th December 1889
Preliminary Announcement
THE NEXT SALE OF HORSES, Traps and Harness, will take place at the GRECIAN INN, PRESTON, on Tuesday, February 11th 1890. Entries taken up to the day of sale.
For further particulars apply to the above Inn; or to JOHN CRITCHLEY, Auctioneer, Black Bull Inn, Leyland.
PRESTON HERALD   1st February 1890
GRECIAN INN YARD, Covered Market, Preston
MR. JOHN CRITCHLEY is again favoured with instructions from Mr. John Valentine, to Sell by Auction, at the Grecian Inn Yard, Covered Market, PRESTON, on Tuesday October 21st, at One o'clock in the Afternoon prompt, about 25 CART HORSES, HARNESS HORSES, COBS, PONIES, consisting of Browns, Blacks, Bays and Chestnuts. All have been worked in all kinds of Gear. Also a variety of TRAPS, GIGS, SPRING CARTS, etc., and a quantity of Harness and Horse Clothing, Riding Saddles, Bridles, etc., all in good condition. Entries taken up to day of sale.
For further particulars apply to Mr. VALENTINE, at the above Inn; or to JOHN CRITCHLEY, Auctioneer, Black Bull Inn, Leyland.
PRESTON HERALD    18th October 1890
Preliminary Announcement
JOHN VALENTINE will hold his next ANNUAL SALE of Valuable CART HORSES, Harness Horses, Cobs and Ponies, at the Grecian Inn Yard, Covered Market, Preston, on Monday January 5th. Entries close on Saturday January 3rd.
JOHN CRITCHLEY, Auctioneer, Black Bull Inn, Leyland.
PRESTON HERALD   13th December 1890
To be Let, by Tender, the Full-licensed HOUSE, known as the "Grecian Inn" situate in Lord Street, Preston. Sealed Tenders, endorsed "Grecian Inn," to be sent to the Corporation Steward, 16 Church Street, Preston, not later than 12 o'clock as noon on Tuesday, the 21st July, next. The Corporation do not bind themselves to accept the highest or any Tender.
PRESTON HERALD   20th June 1891
This committee recommended that the offer of Mr. George Catton (should read Catlow), of Burnley, be accepted, and that there be let to him the Grecian Inn situate in Lord Street, Preston, on a three-month tenancy, at a rent of £90 per annum; the tenant to enter into an agreement to be prepared by the Town Clerk.
PRESTON HERALD   1st August 1891
MR. JOHN CRITCHLEY will hold his Annual Sale by Auction at the Grecian Inn Yard, near the Covered Market, Preston, on Monday January 4th 1892, of CART HORSES, HARNESS HORSES, Cobs and Ponies; also a quantity of Traps, Gigs, Business Carts, and Harness, to suit all sizes. Sale at twelve o'clock prompt. Entries taken up to day of sale.
For further particulars apply to the AUCTIONEER, Black Bull Inn, Leyland; or to Mr. Catlow, Grecian Inn, Preston.
PRESTON HERALD   26th December 1891
Preston Guardian  12th March 1892
GEORGE CATLOW, landlord of the Grecian Inn, Lord Street, was summoned for bing drunk on his own premises on the 18th November. Mr. Blackhurst, prosecuting, said that in consequence of the defendant being drunk and unable to conduct himself, the defendant's wife went to the police station at about twenty minutes past 10 o'clock and asked for constables to be sent to the house.
Two officers went down and found him very disorderly. He was drunk and using abusive language to his wife. The constables corroborated. 
Mr. Fryer, defending, contended that the man was excited, and not drunk. He had had a quarrel with his wife over money matters, and he got to high words. 
The defendant was called, and he denied being under the influence of drink. He said he had suffered in his head and was excited at the time. He was at present being attended to by Dr. Garner.
Cross-examined by Mr. Blackhurst, he said he was not being attended to for delirium tremens, nor had he had brandy and oatcake prescribed for him. He could not say what ailed him, but he was not well.
Three witnesses were called, who said the defendant was excited.
The Bench inflicted a penalty of 10 shillings and costs; in default, 14 days, with hard labour.
Preston Herald   26th November 1892
In a resumee of the activities of the Bee Hive Lodge of Oddfellows in the town, and the places where they held their meetings, the following was written.  The landlord at the York Hotel referred to was Jonathan Westray, himself a member of the Lodge. He left the York Hotel in 1882, so it was from around that year that they moved to the Grecian Inn:-
The York Hotel changed hands, and the Bee Hive took up its abode in Lord Street, at the Grecian Inn, since demolished, in connection with an improvement scheme.
When it became requisite that the Grecian Inn should come down, the Bee Hive transferred itself to the Stanley Arms, Lancaster Road, and still meets there.
PRESTON HERALD   20th February 1904


Daniel Spencer              54 years               Beerseller               b. Manchester
Margaret Spencer         42                        Wife                       b. Kirkham
Ann Spencer                 28                        Daughter                b. Preston
Elizabeth Spencer          17                        Daughter                b. Ribchester

John Lawrenson            36 years               Innkeeper               b. Inglewhite
Mary Lawrenson           34                        Wife                       b. Preston
Margaret Lawrenson       2                        Daughter                        do
Mary Lawrenson           26                        Servant                  b. Inglewhite

Richard Eatough            52 years               Innkeeper              b. Blackburn
Ellen Eatough                 37                       Wife                      b. Preston
Robert Eatough              8                         Son                                do
Thomas Eatough            5                         Son                        b. Kirkham
Caroline Eatough           3                          Daughter                        do
Priscilla Eatough            4 months              Daughter                b. Preston

Thomas Crossthwaite   38 years                Innkeeper              b. Preston
Elizabeth Crossthwaite  37                         Wife                     b. Chipping
James Mercer               16                         Stepson                b. Goosnargh
William Henry Mercer   15                         Stepson                b. Broughton
George Francis Mercer  10                        Stepson                           do
Charles Frederick Mercer  8                      Stepson                           do
Elizabeth Mary Mercer     6                       Step-daughter                  do
                                                        (actually said 'daughter-in-law')
John Valentine              29 years               Publican                  b. Chorley
Mary Valentine             22                        Wife                       b. Ribbleton
Leonard Valentine         2                          Son                        b. Preston
Samuel Valentine           10 months            Son                                 do
Ellen Valentine              20                        Sister                               do