
Tuesday, 31 January 2012

BOAR'S HEAD, 6 Friargate

6 Friargate
 A pre-War 'Boar's Head Hotel' with the tram lines still in situ.
1732                   Widow of William Walmsley  (Owner Mr Walmsley Showley)
1781                   Thomas Worden 
1782                    Robert Cardwell
1807 - 08            John Rogerson  d. 7.6.1813 in Blackburn. See below.
1814 - 1817        William Sherrington     d. 15.3.1817
1818 - 19            Christopher Wilcock
1819 - 22            James Wilcock
1825                    Robert Nickson (Nixon)
1835 - 46            John Blackburn    d. 16th May 1846 aged 53 years
1846                   Ann Blackburn  John's wife, who died 9th February 1850, aged 45 years
1850 - 65            Peter Howard    -  General News Room in situ in 1853.
1868 - 71            Richard Proctor
1872 - 73            James Talbot
1874 - 78            James Bannister - wife, Martha, died 6.6.1877 aged 43 years
                                                            James died 14.8.1878 aged 48 years *
1880 - 90            William Seed    -  retired, and living at 15 Cross Street in 1901.
1891 - 1910        Joseph Rigby the younger
1913 - 27            Charles William Swift
1932 - 53            William Waldron
1957 - early 60s William O. Scott and G.M.Scott
1970?                  Jean Shipley
  ?                         Rory Liffen
*  On the 25.9.1878, a James Bannister was granted a licence, 'until a buyer could be found'
Could this have been a son, or other relative?
Lancaster Gazette  12th December 1807
DEATH:  On Monday last, in Blackburn, after
a long and tedious illness, which he bore with
patience and resignation, Mr. John Rogerson,
aged 66 years, formerly landlord of the
Boar's Head Inn, in this town.
Preston Chronicle  12th June 1813
It isn't known when he left the Boar's Head.
 Lancaster Gazette  27th August 1814
DEATH:  On Thursday se'enight, 
Mr. William Sherrington, of Preston, Innkeeper.
Lancaster Gazette  15th March 1817
Preston Chronicle  7th November 1818
Lancaster Gazette  25th September 1819
Lancaster Gazette  14th December 1822
During the night of Sunday last, this town and neighbourhood was
visited by a storm of wind, accompanied by occasional heavy rain,
which exited considerable alarm amongst the inhabitants...... We 
have to record one instance of a hair-breadth escape of several 
members of a family from an instant destruction by the falling of a
chimney. A few minutes before three in the morning, Mr. Blackburn, 
landlord of the Boar's Head Inn, Friargate, who, with his wife and an
infant, and two other children, were asleep in a double-bedded room
in the attic storey of the house, was startled by a loud and unaccountable
crash. This apparent explosion was caused by the falling, a few yards
from his bed, of a stack of chimneys on the roof over an adjoining bedroom.

A king-post to the ridge-beam would appear to have thrown much of
the falling debris into the adjacent bedroom.
Preston Chronicle  28th February 1835
The following is a complete report, despite seemingly ending in thin air! The article went on to talk about storm damage in other parts of the area.

Preston Chronicle   23rd February 1835

A meeting of the Friends and Admirers of D. O'Connell Esq., M.P.
was held at Mr. Blackburn's, Boar's Head Inn, Friargate, 
on  8th July 1835.
The "O'Connell Tribute Association"
Chairman of the Association.
Preston Chronicle  18th July 1835
Teacher of Dancing, from Edinburgh.
Respectfully intimates to the Inhabitants of Preston, 
that he will open a Class, at the Boar's Head Inn, on
Tuesday the 9th instant, to give instruction in this
useful and elegant accomplishment.

Days of attendance, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday
from 9 to 11 o'clock in the forenoon.
Preston Chronicle  6th August 1836

Preston Chronicle  17th August 1844
DEATH:  On Saturday last, aged 53, Mr. John Blackburn, innkeeper, Friargate.
Preston Chronicle   23rd May 1846 
DEATH:  Yesterday week, (1.2.1850), after a long and painful illness, Ann, relict of the late John Blackburn, of this town, aged 45 years.
Preston Chronicle   9th February 1850
Both the above, plus one of their infant children, are buried in St. Wilfrid's Cemetery.
Preston Chronicle  6th August 1853
Sale by Auction on 20th October 1881:-
ALL that old-established and well-accustomed PUBLIC HOUSE,
called the BOAR'S HEAD, in Friargate, Preston, with the 
Brewhouse, Stables, Granaries, Washhouse, Outbuildings, and 
Land. The Boar's Head is situated in one of the very best 
thoroughfares in Preston, and has long been well-known as a 
favourite house. Early possession may be had. Stock &c., to be
taken at a valuation.
Further particulars may be had and a plan inspected on
application to Mr. THOMAS SMITH, the Durham Ox, Berry Lane,
Longridge; or Mr. HARRY BANNISTER, 9 Old Shambles, Preston.

                                            EDELSTON & Son, Solicitors, Preston
Preston Chronicle   24th September 1881.
Taken from the P.N.E. Handbook of the 1898 - 99 Season
Origin and Development.
Parent of American Societies.
To attempt to deal with the history of friendly societies in Preston, and to omit reference to the Duke of York Lodge of the Manchester United Parent Lodge, would be equivalent to preventing the play of Hamlet with the Prince of Denmark left out,
The Duke of York Lodge is the pioneer and parent lodge of the Preston district. Prior to it foundation the principles of Oddfellowship were unknown in the town. Recently the lodge held its 88th annual meeting, so it is apparent that it has seen many upheavals.
The first meeting was held in the Green Man Inn, Lord Street, and the ink in which the minutes were recorded is faded with age and the orthography has a quaint look.
Two extracts will serve to show the splendid spirit which animated the Preston Oddfellows of the early 19th century. They are:
'It was agreed that each brother of the lodge shall pay one shilling at the death of a brother to defray the expenses of his funeral, besides what can be allowed from the lodge.'
It was further agreed:
'That each brother of the lodge shall pay at the death of a brother's wife, one shilling to pay the expenses of the funeral.'
These minutes related to a meeting that was held on the 24th June 1816, but a short time after the opening of the lodge, and it will be readily conceived that by that time the accumulated funds of the lodge would not have assumed very great dimensions.
In those days the only places to hear the newspapers read - for few could read - join in a song and talk over the affairs of state, were the public-houses. One company thus inclined met periodically at the Windmill Inn, Moor Lane, Preston, so early as 1812.
In 1813 a sort of membership was agreed upon, apparently to help any necessitous associate. This went n a few years, and it is probably not far off the book to suggest that from gentlemen animated by a spirit of fraternity, the Duke of York would obtain some of its first members. This, while not authentic, is distinctly likely.
The termination of the war with France by the victory at Waterloo, "On the memorable 18th day of June, 1815" brought  home to Preston many who had served in the militia, volunteer force and the army reserve, who had been called up for the defence of the kingdom.
Amongst those to return were Wm. Topping of the militia, and Samuel Pemberton of the rifle brigade, both of whom had been made Oddfellows.
Doubtless these men were instrumental in obtaining the dispensation from the Abercrombie Grand Lodge, Salford, to open a lodge to be called the "Duke of York" at the Windmill Inn, Preston, on the 25th September,1815.
The bearer of the dispensation was P.G. Topping, and on the opening night four officers attended from Manchester and instituted some half a dozen members, amongst whom was P.P.G.M. George Ward, who died in 1866, but who will be well-remembered by the older members of the Duke of York Lodge.
When the Duke of York Lodge was opened, its nearest neighbour was the Lodge at Salford, and it had not the advantages of ready means of conference. Therefore the Duke of York started in somewhat isolated fashion.
The Lodge had its early difficulties. There were few members, and cares were many, and the contributions of the members barely sufficed to meet the expenses incurred in relieving travellers passing through the town. Meanwhile, food was at famine prices, and work exceedingly scarce. Still the members struggled on.
By the year 1819 the lodged had changed its quarters, and in their new home, the Green Man in Lord Street, they formulated a dispensation destined to carry and extend the principles of Oddfellowship in the new world. It was conveyed to America by Bro. John Crowder of the Duke of York Lodge, and the seed thus set, ripened into the American Order, which in 1859 had a membership of 177,000.
The civil war played havoc in the ranks of the American brethren, but in 1869 the figures rose again, for there were at that time near 300,000 members in the western continent.
The 1822 Guild
Lodges of Oddfellows were numbered in the year 1820 each according to its seniority. The Duke of York became "seventeenth." In 1822 on the occasion of the Preston Guild we find it authentically stated that 250 Oddfellows walked in procession. At that time the strength of the Duke of York Lodge was only about 30, so that contingents from Blackburn, Bolton, Burnley, Chorley, Clitheroe and Wigan had to make up this, at that day, an exceedingly imposing array.
In the early days of the Duke of York there was considerable elasticity in several respects. In 1816 either 15s or £1. 1s. could be charged for initiation, it was optional, the contributions during the Lodge's first ten years were of a very irregular character, and sick grants were arranged in accordance with the necessity of the cases and the amount they could raise amongst themselves.
Tiring of this uncertainty the members, in 1826, commenced paying contributions at the rate of 3d per week first, and afterwards 3.5d per week, and giving benefits 8s per week for sickness and £10 at the death of a member of his wife. They did not scruple to make a funeral allowance for members' children.
Fortunately for the pioneer lodge the calls were few. They fulfilled their obligations, and in 1830 had a balance in the hands of the landlord of the Fleece Inn, whither they had removed. The balance was £36, the value being £1 per member.
The first doctor to the Duke of York Lodge was John Orrell, who was appointed in 1834.
Oddfellowship was gradually becoming popular, and in 1840 the Duke of York Lodge had 353 members, and a capital of £551.
Its present membership is 231, and its meetings are held at the Boar's Head, Friargate. There is a decline in membership as will be seen by comparison, but in the matter of worth per member the lodge at present is in an infinitely better position than it was in 1840, for as against 353 members and £551, the lodge's membership are now 231 and £2,880 respectively. The two oldest members on the books of the Duke of York Lodge are aged 81 and 91 respectively.
At present the destinies of the lodge are guided by Mr. J.B. Newsham as permanent secretary, Mr. Thomas Hall Junior, who fills the N.G.'s chair, and other officials.
Preston Herald   6th February 1904
The pumps at the Boar's Head Hotel.

 A display at the Public Hall, advertising the outside
catering services offered by William (Billy) Waldron.
 Judging by the 'phone number, this could relate to the 1950's.
John Blackburn                   45 years                    Innkeeper                b. Lancashire
Ann Blackburn                    35                             Wife                                  do
Edward Blackburn              12                             Son                                    do
James Blackburn                  8                              Son                                    do
Mary Blackburn                   6                              Daughter                            do
Margaret Blackburn             4                              Daughter                            do
Elizabeth Blackburn              2                              Daughter                            do
John Blackburn                     4 months                 Son                                     do

Peter Howard                     37 years                    Innkeeper                 b. Wigan
Margaret Howard               37                             Wife                         b. Walton-le-dale

Peter Howard                     48 years                    Innkeeper                 b. Ince
Magria Howard                  40                             Wife                         b. Walton
Jane Stock                          24                             Servant                    b. Blackbrook, Lancs.

Richard Proctor                  57 years                   Hotel Keeper (Vict)   b. Walton-le-dale
Mary Proctor                      56                            Wife                                       do

William Seed                      36 years                    Publican                   b. Heaton, Lancashire
Margaret Seed                   47                                   ?                        b. Myerscough

Joseph Rigby                      28 years                   Publican                    b. Preston
Mary J. Rigby                     30                            Wife                         b. Fulwood
Ann Rigby                            3                             Daughter                  b. Preston
Mary Rigby                          3 months                 Daughter                          do

Joseph Rigby                      37 years                   Publican                    b. Preston
Mary Jane Rigby                 40                            Wife                         b. Fulwood
Mary Rigby                         10                            Daughter                  b. Preston
Helen Rigby                          2                             Daughter                         do



  2. My grandma Jean Shipley had it in 60 & 70s. I remember going as a child with my mum Catherine and auntie Elaine.

  3. My great great great grandfather was Mr John Blackburn

  4. John Blackburn, landlord in 1851: "DEATHS...On Saturday last, aged 53, Mr. John Blackburn, innkeeper, Friargate" Preston Chronicle Sat,. 23 May 1846 (died 16 May 1846) He, his wife, and one of their infant children are buried in St Wilfrid's Cemetery.

    "DEATHS...Yesterday week, after a long and painful illness, Ann, relict of the late Mr. John Blackburn, of this town, aged 45." Preston Chronicle Sat., 9 Feb 1850 (died on 1 Feb 1850)

    1. Thanks Glenn. Funnily enough, I recently got an email from a relative of the Blackburns. Ann's maiden name was STURDY, and her brother Stephen lived on Park Road at the time. His name appears on John's death certificate. They hailed from Middleham, Yorkshire
