
Sunday, 19 February 2012


This name was referred to in an article about the Cockpit.
[Preston Chronicle  23.3.1855]

1 May 1790. Counterpart of a lease of messuages near the parish church in Preston made by the Bushell Trustees to the Earl of Derby.
This indenture made the first day of May in the thirtieth year of the reign of our Sovereign Lord George the third by the grace of God of Great Britain France and Ireland King defender of the faith etc and in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and ninety Between Henry Porter of Bank Hall within Bretherton in the County of Lancaster Gentleman Roger Charnock of Fulwood in the said County yeoman Richard Latham and Robert Latham his son both of Euxton in the County aforesaid yeomen (Governors and Trustees of Goosnargh Hospital founded and endowed by William Bushell Esquire who died in the month of June one thousand seven hundred and thirty five and left issue Elizabeth his only child and heir who died under age and without issue)  of the one part and The Right Honourable Edward Smith Stanley Earl of Derby of the other part Witnesseth that in consideration of the rents herein after reserved and the covenants and agreements herein after contained on the part and behalf of the said Earl his executors administrators and assigns to be paid done and performed and for divers other good causes and considerations thereunto moving They the said Henry Porter Roger Charnock Richard Latham and Robert Latham his son Have and each and every of them Hath demised leased set and to farm letten and by these presents Do and each and every of them Doth demise lease set and to farm let unto the said Earl his executors administrators and assigns All those several messuages cottages or dwelling houses stables shippons  shops gardens orchards and all and singular other the premises of them the said Trustees situate standing lying and being in Preston aforesaid beginning on the south side of the Church Street adjoining to the west end of the church yard and running southwardly towards the sign of the Hare and Hounds in Preston aforesaid and from thence running westwardly unto and abutting to the old Workhouse in Preston aforesaid...
 This evidence has been sent to me by Trevor Kirkham
of the Preston Historical Society

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