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Wednesday, 10 October 2012


157  (later 56)  New Hall Lane
1857 - 59            William Dewhurst  -  Owned by James Newton in 1858.
1859                    Richard Midghall
1860 - 62            Mary Wilson  - married Robert Lister in 1864. See 'Wife Beater' story below.
1862 - 64            Ellen Miller  * see note immediately below 'Mine Hosts'
1864                    Robert Lister
1868 - 71            Thomas Robinson
1877 - 96            Leonard Eccleston
1896 - 1901        John (Henry?) Crook
1904                    William Dewhurst
1907                   William Thomas Downham
1910 - 11            Mary Ellen Walker
1913                   James Page
1917                   Anthony Cafferkey
1924                   Daniel Eccles
1926 - 27           William Worden
1932 - 36           Nicholas Mercer
1940 - 48           Alfred Taylor
Between Mary Wilson and Robert Lister, I think an Ellen Miller may have had the pub, until her marriage to Robert Lister in 1864. Ellen's second marriage was to Richard Ratcliffe of the Gibraltar Inn, also on New Hall Lane, and she is the wife in the news item. Please look lower down for that article, on the 31.12.1864. The marriage turned out to be unsuccessful, I think.
Thanks to reader Nelly B for this contribution, for the article doesn't make  things clears. Thanks for the explanation.
Preston Chronicle  20th November 1858
Lot  7.
Preston Chronicle  5th February 1859
Preston Chronicle  26th April 1862
Preston Chronicle  3rd December 1864
Robert Lister, landlord of the General Codrington 
beerhouse, New Hall Lane, who had been apprehended 
under a warrant, was charged with ill-using his wife on
Sunday and Monday last. Mrs. Lister gave evidence to
the effect that the prisoner, since their marriage in June
last, he had frequently ill-used her; she said that when
they married he didn't have a penny in the world and 
that she had kept the beerhouse for two years previous
to their marriage. In consequence of his conduct towards
her, she could not live with him. A witness named Nancy
Eastwood corroborated her evidence.

Lister was severely reprimanded by the Bench, and 
sentenced to one months imprisonment.
Preston Chronicle 31st December 1864
Preston Chronicle  22nd August 1868
Mary Wilson                   49 years                Beerhouse Keeper      b. Preston

Thomas Robinson           47 years                Beerseller                    b. Barton
Ellen Robinson                45                         Wife                                   do

Leonard Eccleston          36 years               Beerseller                     b. Preston
Ellen Eccleston               36                         Wife                                    do
James William Eccleston 11                         Son                                     do
Albert Eccleston              8                          Son                                     do
Thomas Eccleston           7                           Son                                    do
Ernest Eccleston              3                          Son                                     do
Ada Eccleston                 1                          Daughter                             do
John Eccleston                 2 months              Son                                     do

Leonard Eccleston         46 years                Beerseller                     b. Preston
Ellen Eccleston              46                         Wife                                     do
James W. Eccleston       21                         Son                                     do
Albert Eccleston            19                         Son                                      do
Thomas Eccleston          17                        Son                                      do
Ada Eccleston                11                        Daughter                              do
John Eccleston               10                        Son                                      do
George Eccleston            8                         Son                                      do
Mary Eccleston               3                         Daughter                              do

John Henry? Crook       40 years               Beerseller                      b. Preston
Mary Ellen Crook          37                        Wife                                     do
Mary Teresa Crook       11                        Daughter                              do
Ellen Crook                    7                         Daughter                               do
Ethel Crook                   4                          Daughter                               do

Mary Ellen Walker        43 years widow.   Beer Seller                    b. Preston
John Greenhalgh            42                     Brewer / Brother of M.E.W.     do
Albert Walker               23                        Son / Piecer                           do
Emily Walker                21                        Daughter / Weaver                 do
May Walker                 19                        Daughter / Weaver                 do
William Craig                20                        Nephew / Piecer          b. New Bedford, U.S.A.
Sidney Walker              18                        Son / Creeler               b. Preston
Edith Walker                 15                       Daughter / Weaver                do
Ellen Walker                 13                       Daughter / Weaver                 do    