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Sunday, 15 November 2015


variously as;  4 Marsh Lane
15 Spring Street (now Bow Lane)
109 Bow Lane
111 Marsh Lane

1834                       Mr. B. Raby -
1835                       John Johnston    Full spirit licence granted w/c/ 24.8.1835
possibly 1836 - 59   Thomas Woodhouse ** See notes, immediately below.
1859 - 61                Elizabeth (Betsy) Woodhouse
1861                       Thomas Noblett
1867                       W. Richardson
1871 - 76                Edmund Taylor
1876 - 81               William Nickson
1882                       Edward Gardner
1882                       Margaret Wilkinson
1884                       Joseph Edwards
1885                       James Edward Bonney
1886 - 88               Thomas Noblet
1888 - 91                Richard Hodson (Hodgson)
1891                       Harry Gerrard
1892 - 93               Ellen Charnock
1894                      Alice Monk
1894 - 96               William Porter
1897                      Joseph Prescott
1897 - 1904           Elizabeth Prescott
1905                      Joseph Prescott - a different individual to the above, but not a son.
1907                 NOTE     Thomas Edwin Patterson
1907                      John Lee
1908 - 18              Robert and Nancy Dixon  - husband, Robert, d. 2nd January 1918
1924                      Fred Hunt
1932 - 34              John Fishwick.  d. 9th Sept. 1934 aged 47 years.
1934 -                    Mrs. Mary Fishwick
1936                      Joseph Riding
1939                      Elizabeth Alice Whalley   d. April 1939
1940 - 44              Richard Coulthurst
1947                     Jack and Peg Rigby
                             Jack and Leah Kehoe
                             Jack and Peggy Hardiker
Late 1970's          James and Doreen Taylor (Possibly 1976 onwards)
It is known that Thomas Woodhouse was at the Springfield Inn by the 1841 census, and that he was definitely an innkeeper by 1837, when son, also Thomas, was baptised on the 22nd May 1837, and his abode given as 'Marsh Lane'.
The house has always stood at the corner of Marsh Lane and Spring Street, later renamed as a part of Bow Lane, so he may have been here then. His occupation was given as a Spinner, which it may well have been in addition to anything else.
On the 1st December 1837, a daughter, Elizabeth, was baptised, again the abode was Marsh Lane, but now his occupation was given as Innkeeper.
Information received from a descendent, A.H.
Many thanks to her.
Mr B. Raby applied for a licence
for a house in Spring Street.
Preston Chronicle 6th September 1834
(Was this application for a spirit licence for an already existing beerhouse?
If so, their may be a different history, possibly under a different name.) 

Preston Chronicle – 6th December 1834

Preston Chronicle – 6th December 1834
Spirit Licence granted to John Johnston, 
retail brewer, for a house at Marsh
Lane, end of Spring Street, the 
property of Mr. Henry Smith,
dealer in cotton waste.
Preston Chronicle  29th August 1835
Preston Chronicle   5th March 1836
Preston Chronicle  19th June 1852
Preston Chronicle  26th June 1852
Preston Chronicle  28th March 1857
Preston Chronicle  3rd November 1860
Preston Chronicle  26th October 1861
 Manchester Courier  17th October 1865
Preston Chronicle  10th February 1866
 Preston Chronicle  18th March 1871
Preston Chronicle  12th September 1874
Preston Chronicle  7th July 1883
 Lancashire Evening Post  29th December 1899
Lancashire Evening Post  9th March 1900
 Lancashire Evening Post  30th July 1907
 Lancashire Evening Post  21st October 1907
Lancashire Evening Post  16th December 1907
 Lancashire Evening Post  18th December 1907
Lancashire Evening Post  16th November 1908
 Lancashire Evening Post  10th December 1945
Thomas Noblett                     32 years                     Publican                    b. Manchester
Sarah Noblett                        32                              Wife                          b. Bradford
Catherine Noblett                   10                              Daughter                            do

Edmund Taylor                      38 years                      Innkeeper                 b. Kirkham
Alice Taylor                           36                               Wife                         b. Preston
Mary A. Taylor                      15                               Daughter                           do
Agnes Taylor                          11                               Daughter                           do
George Taylor                         9                                Son                                   do
Frederick Taylor                     8                                 Son                                  do
Thomas Taylor                        2                                 Son                                  do
Elizabeth E. Taylor                  1                                  Daughter                         do

William Nickson                    48 years                        Beerseller               b. Preston
Elizabeth Nickson                  48                                 Wife                                 do

Richard Hodson                     36 years                       Publican                  b. Preston
Nancy Hodson                       36                                Wife                                 do
Edith Hodson                         12                                 Daughter                          do
William Hodson                      10                                 Son                                 do
Mary Alice Hodson                 8                                  Daughter                          do
Sarah Hodson                         6                                  Daughter                          do
Bertha Hodson                        4                                  Daughter                          do
Margaret Hodson                    1                                  Daughter                          do

Elizabeth Prescott                  45 years - widow.         Hotel Keeper          b. Preston
Edith Prescott                        19                                 Daughter                         do
William Prescott                     16                                Son                                 do
Joseph Prescott                      9                                  Son                                 do
Christopher Prescott               5                               Son                                 do

Robert Dixon                        59 years                        Publican                  b. Workington
Nancy Dixon                        51                     Wife / Assisting in business   b. Brigham, Cumberland
Lizzie Dixon                          28                    Daughter /     -do-                b. Seaton, Cumberland
Dora Dixon                          23                     Daughter / Dressmaker        b. Bridekirk, C'land
Nancy Dixon                        20                    Daughter / Dressmaker                 do
Mary Dixon                           3                                 Grandaughter                   do
