4 New Street.
? - 1805 Richard Clayton - Wife died 28th September 1805.
1812 Edward Worthington
1818 John Warwick
1825 Mary Townson
1829 John Fitzpatrick
1834 - 43 Mr. John Riley & Elizabeth Riley - also spelt RYLEY.
1844 Mrs. Riley (Ryley)
1845 - 47 William Slater d. 2.2.1847 aged 35 years
1848 Mr. Ward
1850 - 51 Ellen Ward
1853 - 54 William Parkinson
1856 William Fisher
1860 John Kirkham
1861 Jane Ward
1861 - 62 James Gardner
1862 - 64 John Harrison
1865 Jane Chew
1865 - 66 Grace Wilding died here on 14..2.1866, aged 36 years.
1866 - 67 Randel (Randolf) Doran (Dornan)
1867 John Ward
1867 John Watson
1869 Paul Morcella d. 2.9.1869
1869 - 73 Mrs. Jane Morcella
1877 - 87 Joseph Morcella d. 2.4.1890, and Mary Morcella
1887 - 88 Thomas Henry Hayward
1888 - 89 James E. Billsborough
1889 - 92 John Elijah Kember - Took over the Golden Ball on his return from active service in
Madras, India, where he had been 'Colour Sergeant Kember JE
of the Oxford 43rd Light Infantry'. He received an injury to his
right ankle joint, which was aggravated later in his service,
ultimately leading to his discharge. His mother, Sarah Frances
Kember, died at the Golden Ball in 1891 - see Memorial Card,
below. By 1895 he was in the licensed trade in Rochdale.
See lower down for John Elijah's photograph.
Thanks are due to a descendant for this information,
and also for the photograph below.
1892 William Chadwick - gaoled for assaulting his wife - separated.
1892 Jane Chadwick
1892 Samuel Bowler
1893 John Newton the younger.
On Saturday 28th September 1805,
at Preston, Mrs. Clayton, wife of
Mr. Richard Clayton, late of the
Golden Ball.
Golden Ball.
Lancaster Gazette 5th October 1805
In the alternative name of "The Globe"
Preston Chronicle 18th January 1834
DEATH: On the 30th ult., Mr. James Ryley,
innkeeper, Manchester, brother of Mr. John Ryley,
the Golden Ball, New Street, in this town.
Preston Chronicle 13th August 1836
Mrs. Birtwistle
Begs leave to acquaint the Public that she has fitted up
a convenient covered conveyance, which will take
passengers between Lytham and Preston every day.
It will leave Mr. McKie's, the Commercial Inn, Lytham,
at half-past seven o'clock every morning, for Mr. Riley's,
the Golden Ball Inn, New Street, Preston, from which place
it will return to Lytham at half-past three o'clock every
A Steady Driver is Employed -
The charge is only 1s. 6d.
Preston Chronicle 1st July 1837
On Saturday night last, the members of this Society held
their anniversary at the house of Mrs. Riley, the Golden
Ball, New Street. A numerous party sat down to an excellent
supper, after which they had a dance, and it was kept up
with great spirit until a late hour, when they separated,
highly gratified with their evening's entertainment.
Preston Chronicle 27th January 1844
Valuable Freehold Property, Free from Ground Rent
By Mr. Richard DUCKETT, Auctioneer.
By order of the Executors of the late Mr. John
Salthouse, deceased, at the house of Mr. William
Slater, the sign of the Golden Ball Inn, New Street,
Preston, on 18th September next, at 7 o'clock in
the evening.
LOT 1. The Fee-simple and Inheritance of and in all
that well-accustomed INN or PUBLIC-HOUSE, called
the "GOLDEN BALL," situate in New Street, near the
Market Place, and now in the occupation of the said
Mr. Slater.
Preston Chronicle 30th August 1845
Preston Chronicle 7th March 1846
On Monday evening last, the anniversary of the
Preston Branch of the Order of Mechanics was
held at Mr. Ward's, the Golden Ball, New Street.
The room was tastefully decorated with evergreens,
flags and banners.
About 50 sat down to an excellent dinner, and after
ample justice had been done to the good things of
this world, several loyal and patriotic toasts were
given and responded to.
The tables were then removed, and musicians being
called in, the remainder of the evening was spent in
Preston Chronicle 15th July 1848
Preston Chronicle 11th January 1851
![]() |
Preston Chronicle 6th September 1851 * Preston Guardian 30th September 1854 * |
TO BE LET, with immediate possession, the
Street, Preston. There is a roomy and
comfortable Bagatelle and Club Room upon the
premises. The stock, which is light, to be taken
at a valuation.
Apply on the premises, or to
MR. JAMES WARD, Cross Keys, Market Place.
Preston Chronicle 29th December 1855
DEATH: On 6.4.1856, very
suddenly, Robert Henry, infant
son of Mr. William Fisher, of
the Golden Ball, New Street,
in this town.
Preston Chronicle 12th April 1856
The Mayor asked Mr. Dunn, the Chief Constable,
whether he had any complaints to make.
In reply, Mr. Dunn said that owing to the manner
in which the Golden Ball Inn in New Street, as
regarded prostitution, had been carried on, he
asked the Bench not to renew the licence. The
man who obtained the last licence for the house,
Randolph Doran, told a falsehood to the Magistrates
when he obtained it, by saying that he intended living
at it himself, but that he had never done so.
Doran was called, and in reply to the Bench,
said he did not want a renewal of the licence.
Preston Chronicle 1st September 1866
This is interesting, because after reading the next
article, take note that Doran was back as landlord
until 1867.
held at the Police Court on Wednesday morning, when applications
were made for the renewal of licences suspended at the annual
licensing session on the 31st ult.
Mr. Watson pleaded for the renewal of the Golden Ball Inn, New
Street, kept by Randolph Doran. He stated that the owner of the
house, Mr. James Ward, proposed taking the management of it
himself, and that the house would be better conducted than it had
previously. Licence granted.
Preston Chronicle 15th September 1866
Thomas Atherton, alias "Star Gazer," was charged
with stealing a watch, the property of Jane Morcella,
landlady of the Golden Ball public house, New Street.
Mr. Dunn, prosecuting, said that the circumstances of
the case was pretty clear, but he should be obliged to
asked for a remand until Friday, in order to trace the
watch. Remand granted.
Preston Chronicle 10th February 1872
Preston Chronicle 8th December 1877
WANTED - A Pianist, three nights
a week. Apply Mr. Morcella,
Golden Ball Inn, New Street.
Preston Chronicle 14th August 1880
WANTED - at once, a Gentleman
PIANIST, for Free and Easy.
Apply, Golden Ball, New Street, Preston.
Preston Chronicle 4th February 1882
WANTED - A pianist for Saturday Nights.
Apply, Golden Ball, New Street.
Preston Chronicle 4th August 1883
Mr. Morcella's house in New Street.
In about December 1885, Morcella asked the Council
sub-committee for £3,500 (compulsory purchase?)
They knew he had purchased the property some 7 or
8 years ago, when public house prices were perhaps
25% higher than they are now, for the sum of £1,400.
Preston Chronicle 1st January 1887
Colour Sergeant John Elijah Kember
There's just nothing like a photograph to bring the page to life.
An enlarged version of Sarah Frances Kember's
Memorial Card.
Elizabeth Riley 35 years Publican
Margaret Riley 15 Daughter
James Riley 11 Son
Ann Riley 9 Daughter
Elizabeth Riley 7 Daughter
Ellen Ward 48 years Innkeeper b. Settle, Yorks.
Thomas Ward 24 Son do
Richard Ward 20 Son b. Preston
Jane Ward 29 years Innkeeper b. Preston
Jane Morcella 57 years Lic. Vict. b. Westmoreland
Paul Morcella 15 Son b. Preston
Joseph Morcella 38 years Lic. Vict. b. Preston
Mary Morcella 36 Wife b. Chorley
John Elijah Kember 39 years Publican b. Bromsgrove
Emma Kember 35 Wife b. Pembroke
Amy Kember 13 Daughter b. Birmingham
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