It is possible that this inn is synonymous with the Boar's Head Inn on Friargate Brow.
1684 James Whittle
1695 ..........................
1695 ..........................
Court Leet presentment on 4th February 1684:-
"James Whittle - yt he make up his Garding hedge,
on back of ye Seven Starrs, before 10th April,
upon pain of 6s 8d
Court Leet presentment on 4th February 1684:-
"James Whittle - yt he make up his Garding hedge,
on back of ye Seven Starrs, before 10th April,
upon pain of 6s 8d
A Court Leet presentment made in 1695 states that
the "Seven Starrs" was in Friargate; but it doesn't
mention which part of the street.