22 Strand Road (or West Strand)
10 Strand Road (1904)
2 Strand Road (1913)
8 Strand Road (1917)
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This is a much more modern building than the 1865 one. |
The replacement building for the original (above). In actual fact, I've a feeling that that one
was a replacement for an even earlier one.
1865 - 66 Thomas Fairclough - owned by William Coward.
1868 - 70 Thomas Sumner
1870 William Raglan (Ragan)
1870 William Bowman
1870 - 71 William Hindle
1871 - 77 James Kershaw "to Neptune Feb. 1876" (PH 5.2.1876) Had he a split tenancy?
1879 Mrs. Kershaw
1881 - 84 Catherine Kershaw
1885 William Birtwistle
1885 - 86 Henry Beesley
1886 - 87 John Seed
1887 - 89 William Porter
1889 - 90 James Edward Bilsborough
1890 - 94 William Porter
1894 - 95 William Monk the younger
1896 - 99 Thomas Turner
1900 Robert Breakell
1900 - 01 Thomas Oldham
1901 George Gilleade
1904 James Brown
1907 - 11 Thomas Blackoe
1913 - 17 John Carter
1924 Roger James Clitheroe
1932 - 36 Elizabeth Clitheroe
1940 - 44 Frederick Carter
1948 William R. Strickland
1976/77? Len Cherry - moved from here to the Old Black Bull, Friargate, in the early 1980's
, and two bedrooms; on the second floor*
At the end of August 1866, an application was made to the licensing justices for a full licence for the Neptune Inn:
'Mr. Thomas Fairclough, occupier of the Neptune Inn, West Strand Road, the owner of which is Mr. William Coward, made the next application. Mr. Forshaw supported the claim. "This house has a good cellar and brewhouse, but no stabling. On the ground floor are a vault, a bar parlour, and a kitchen; on the first floor, a Club-room, a sitting room, and two bedrooms; on the second floor, four bedrooms. The nearest public house is the New Quay Inn, about fourteen yards distant." Mr. Forshaw said the building had good and airy rooms, and three clubs were held there, one of them being connected with the men employed at the Waggon Works. The dischargers at the quay and others would find the house a great convenience. It was situate on one of the high-roads to the Fylde; and in the immediate neighbourhood there were large workshops, the employees of which had to pass the house. The New Quay Inn had been built before the Waggon Works, the quay warehouses, and, he believed, the shipyards were in existence.
The rent of the house was £36 8s, and was assessed at £29 10s rates. He was frequently asked for spirits.
Preston Herald 1st September 1866
For a term of three or more years, the
NEPTUNE INN, situate in Marsh Lane
and Strand Road, close to the Waggon Works
and proposed docks.
Apply to Mr. W. COWARD, at the
Cricketers' Arms, South Meadow Lane, whp
will receive tenders up to the first day of May,
when the taker will be declared.
Preston Chronicle 27th March 1869
Preston Chronicle 5th July 1873
Last Thursday, a "Grand National Dog Show" was held
at the Neptune Hotel, Starand Road, Preston. There were
80 entries, and being open to all England, some of the dogs
that have taken the leading prizes at the principal dog shows
that have taken place, were entered for competition.
The Judges were: Joseph Walker Esq, West Gorton,
Manchester; Thomas Worthington Esq, Bury; John
Henshall, Salford; and Thomas Kirby Wsq, Rochdale.
The show was a very successful one. The Exhibitors
afterwards dined together at the Neptune Hotel.
Lytham and Kirkham Times 9th July 1873
Preston Chronicle 4th September 1875
Preston Chronicle 6th April 1878
Liverpool Mercury 25th June 1879
By tender, with immediate possession.
The INN or PUBLIC HOUSE called the
"NEPTUNE INN," situate at the corner
of Marsh Lane and Strand Road, Preston,
and near the site of the Ribble and other
improvements now being made.
Apply JAMES HULL & Sons,
Glover Street Brewery, Preston.
Preston Chronicle 15th November 1884
William Hindle 49 years Lic. Vict. b. Over Darwen
Sarah Hindle 47 Wife b. Stockport
James H. Hindle 10 Son b. Over Darwen
Catherine Kershaw 49 years Lic. Vict. b. Horwich
Sarah Alice Kershaw 22 Daughter do
Ada H. Kershaw 17 Daughter do
Mary A. Kershaw 15 Daughter b. Heaton
James Kershaw 13 Son b. Westhoughton
Florence C. Kershaw 11 Daughter do
Emily J. Kershaw 9 Daughter b. Horwich
William Porter 34 years Lic. Vict. b. Preston
Lucy Porter 32 Wife b. Blackpool
Florence Porter 11 Daughter b. Preston
Margaret Porter 61 Mother b. Whittingham
Thomas Oldham 31 years Hotel Proprietor b. Manchester
Alice Oldham 32 Wife do
Thomas Oldham 7 Son do
Thomas Blackoe 48 years Lic. Vict. b. Preston
Ann Blackoe 47 Wife / Assistant b. Chipping
Helena Blackoe 22 Daughter / Barmaid b. Preston
Edward Blackoe 21 Son / Bodymaker do