1 Maudland Bank / 43 Pedder Street
- Given as 17 Pedder Street in 1851 Census -
- Given as 17 Pedder Street in 1851 Census -
1850 - 51 John Fisher Smith
1853 - 54 Thomas Brooks
1856 Anthony Westhead
1857 John Cox
1858 - 69 Thomas Grime (Councillor)
1870 James Grime
1870 - 81 Thomas Swindlehurst
1881 Ruth Swindlehurst
1882 - 88 Elizabeth Swindlehurst Property sold by E.S. to James Hull Brewer & Maltster, Glovers' Court.
1888 - 90 George Smith
1890 James Park
1890 - 94 Thomas Dixon
1894 - 97 Thomas Nightingale
1897 Richard Banks
1898 Edward Chatburn
1899 - 1901 John McMahon
1904 - 08 John Smith. d. 24.9.1908 aged 57 years. (See report below)
1908 - 13 Elizabeth Smith
1913 - 17 William Moxham
1924 James T. Dew
1932 Alexander Doolan
1936 John W. Wane
1940 - 44 Agnes Moss
Preston Chronicle 12th January 1850
Preston Chronicle 10th January 1852
Preston Chronicle 30th October 1852
Kendal Mercury 26th November 1853
TO BE LET, and may be entered upon immediately, all that well-accustomed INN or PUBLIC-HOUSE, known by the sign of the "Union Hotel," situate in Maudland Bank, corner of Pedder Street, within Preston, together with Brewhouse, Yard, STABLING, and every convenience for carrying on the business of a wholesale Brewer.
For particulars apply on the premises.
Preston February 11th February 1854
TO BE LET, with immediate possession, all that well-known PUBLIC-HOUSE called the "Union Hotel," situate at Maudland Bank. The stock to be taken at a fair valuation. For particulars apply on the premises, or to Mr. WILLIAM AINSWORTH, Auctioneer, 48, North Road, Preston.
Preston Chronicle 25th February 1854
Preston Chronicle 1st March 1856
at the UNION HOTEL, Maudland Bank, Preston.
On 19th November 1856
and HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, the property of Mr. A. Westhead,
who is declining business, comprising large coolers, mash tub,
stillages, working trough, load and half-load barrels, quarter
casks, quantity of hops, jugs, glasses, decanters, pewter
measures, ale drainer, spirit fountain with six taps, piping,
and barrels, forming and tables in back and front parlours,
leather seating round bar-parlour, &c.
Preston Chronicle 15th November 1856
Preston Chronicle 1st January 1859
Preston Chronicle 26th November 1859
Preston Chronicle 28th August 1861
Preston Chronicle 22nd November 1862
Lancaster Gazette 4th April 1863
Preston Chronicle 1st January 1876
Preston Chronicle 10th February 1877
Preston Chronicle 24th November 1877
Preston Herald 23rd September 1885
Preston Herald 22nd February 1890
Preston Chronicle 20th September 1890
Preston Herald 1st November 1890
An inquest was held at Preston Police Station, this afternoon, on the body of John Smith, 57, landlord of the Union Hotel, Maudland Bank, who died suddenly on Thursday morning shortly after retiring to bed.
His wife, Elizabeth Smith, said they had only been married eight months, and during that time her husband had been troubled with pain in the left breast. About 11 o'clock on Wednesday night she went to bed, and her husband, who had been working in the bar all day, followed her a short time afterwards. He complained of feeling the pain again, and about 12.20am suddenly stopped speaking, turned over on his face in bed, and moaned. She could get no answer from him, and afterwards found that he was dead.
In answer to the Coroner, she admitted that he had taken drink, but not to exceed. He never got drunk.
Dr. By water wrote stating that he attended the deceased 18 months ago for alcoholism. In his opinion death was due to heart failure following upon alcoholism.
The Jury found that the deceased had died from heart failure.
Lancashire Evening Post 25th September 1908
Lancashire Evening Post 12th March 1930
Lancashire Evening Post 18th January 1938
Lancashire Evening Post 7th February 1938
Lancashire Evening Post 6th February 1939
WANTED, General or Companion-help; good wages, etc., Mrs. Moss, Union Hotel, Maudland Bank, Preston
Lancashire Evening Post 2nd September 1943
Preston Chronicle 1st January 1876
Preston Chronicle 24th November 1877
Preston Herald 23rd September 1885
Preston Herald 22nd February 1890
Preston Chronicle 20th September 1890
Preston Herald 1st November 1890
An inquest was held at Preston Police Station, this afternoon, on the body of John Smith, 57, landlord of the Union Hotel, Maudland Bank, who died suddenly on Thursday morning shortly after retiring to bed.
His wife, Elizabeth Smith, said they had only been married eight months, and during that time her husband had been troubled with pain in the left breast. About 11 o'clock on Wednesday night she went to bed, and her husband, who had been working in the bar all day, followed her a short time afterwards. He complained of feeling the pain again, and about 12.20am suddenly stopped speaking, turned over on his face in bed, and moaned. She could get no answer from him, and afterwards found that he was dead.
In answer to the Coroner, she admitted that he had taken drink, but not to exceed. He never got drunk.
Dr. By water wrote stating that he attended the deceased 18 months ago for alcoholism. In his opinion death was due to heart failure following upon alcoholism.
The Jury found that the deceased had died from heart failure.
Lancashire Evening Post 25th September 1908

Lancashire Evening Post 18th January 1938
Lancashire Evening Post 7th February 1938
Lancashire Evening Post 6th February 1939
WANTED, General or Companion-help; good wages, etc., Mrs. Moss, Union Hotel, Maudland Bank, Preston
Lancashire Evening Post 2nd September 1943
John F. Smith 36 years Innkeeper b. Cadley
Elizabeth Smith 41 Wife b. Walton-le-dale
Margaret Frances Smith 10 Daughter b. Preston
James Fisher Smith 9 Son do
Elizabeth Ada Smith 7 Daughter do
Grace Sarah Smith 5 Daughter do
Samuel Smith 3 Son do
Martha A. Smith 1 Daughter do
Grace S. Smith 16 Niece / Servant do
John F. Smith 36 years Innkeeper b. Cadley
Elizabeth Smith 41 Wife b. Walton-le-dale
Margaret Frances Smith 10 Daughter b. Preston
James Fisher Smith 9 Son do
Elizabeth Ada Smith 7 Daughter do
Grace Sarah Smith 5 Daughter do
Samuel Smith 3 Son do
Martha A. Smith 1 Daughter do
Grace S. Smith 16 Niece / Servant do
Thomas Grime 50 years Reed Maker/Publican b. Preston
Mary Grime 46 Wife do
James Grime 26 Son do
John Grime 20 Son do
Thomas Grime 18 Son do
Ellen Grime 16 Daughter do
Lettice Grime 13 Daughter do
Mary Grime 8 Daughter do
Sarah Grime 4 Daughter do
Frederick Grime 2 Son do
Thomas Swindlehurst 37 years Innkeeper b. Fulwood
Elizabeth Swndlehurst 38 Wife b. Preston
Cornelius Swindlehurst 8 Son do
Wilfrid Swindlehurst 4 Son do
Mary A. Swindlehurst 1 Daughter do
Ruth Swindlehurst 48 years Innkeeper b. Preston
Cornelius Swindlehurst 17 Son do
Maria Swindlehurst 10 Daughter do
John H. Swindlehurst 8 Son do
Thomas Dixon 34 years Lic. Vict. b. Longridge
Alice Dixon 38 Wife b. Broughton
Ann E. Dixon 5 Daughter b. Dutton
John McMahon 49 years Innkeeper b. Chatham
Elizabeth A. Brown 6 Grand-daughter b. Liverpool
Elizabeth Smith 46 years widow Licensed Victualler b. Preston
Ann Smith 50 Sister-in-law / Licensed Victualler do
James Smith 17 Step-son / General Servant do
Jane Weir 54 widow General Servant b. Liverpool
Elizabeth Smith 46 years widow Licensed Victualler b. Preston
Ann Smith 50 Sister-in-law / Licensed Victualler do
James Smith 17 Step-son / General Servant do
Jane Weir 54 widow General Servant b. Liverpool