70 Wellfield Road
1851 - 65 Thomas Moss
1866 Mr. Snailham
1869 Mary Crankshaw
1871 Mary Wilcock
1871 Anna Maria Barry
1873 - 80 William Shaw
1880 William Pilkington
1881 - 91 John Pilkington
1891 - 92 William Finch
1892 - 1901 John Kellett
1901 - 17 Joseph Halsall
1924 Edward Catterall
1932 James Fowler
1933 - 46 Richard Birkett
Preston Chronicle 7th June 1851
At the Old Legs of Man, Fishergate.
LOT 2 ALL that old-established and well-accustomed INN
or PUBLIC HOUSE (opposite to the Wellfield Road Mill),
called or known by the name of the "Ribble View Inn," situate
on the east side of Wellfield Road, and south side of Mill Street,
together with the Yard, Brewhouse, Stable, Granary, and other
outbuildings, now in the occupation of Mr. William Shaw, as
yearly tenant thereof.
These premises were specially built for an Inn or Public House,
with entrances from both Wellfield Road and Mill Street, are
very commodious, and situate in one of the most thickly-
populated manufacturing districts of the town. The house is
three-storeyed, and contains five Bedrooms, Club-room, two
front Parlours, Sitting Room, Bar, Bar-parlour, Kitchen,
Scullery, and is capitally cellared.
Freehold and free from Ground Rent.
Preston Chronicle 6th February 1875
Preston Chronicle 24th November 1877
A petition for liquidation or composition
with creditors was yesterday filed, on behalf
of Mr. William Shaw, of the Ribble View Inn,
Wellfield Road.
Wellfield Road.
The debtor estimated his liabilities at about
£2,054, the greater portion of which is secured.
Preston Chronicle 6th December 1979
Preston Chronicle 27th November 1880
Preston Chronicle 19th February 1881
Preston Chronicle 11th April 1885
At a meeting of the Licensed Victuallers a statement
was said to have been heard by various members,
that one of the members of their association was
selling beer at 1 shilling a gallon. The matter had
previously been before the committee, when the
secretary was asked to investigate. He had since done
so, and found that the allegation had been applied to
Mr. Pilkington of the Ribble View Inn, and it was
Preston Chronicle 16th May 1885
Taken from the P.N.E. Handbook of the 1898 - 99 Season
Thomas Moss 41 years Publican b. Lancashire
Ellen Moss 34 Wife do
Mary Harrison 19 Servant do
Thomas Moss 50 years Innkeeper b. Howick, Lancs.
Ellen Moss 44 Wife b. Greenhalgh
Anna Maria Barry 30 years Unm. Lic. Vict. b. Ireland
Ellen Barry 50 Mother do
Margaret Barry 19 Sister b. Shadwith, Middlesex
Charlotte Barry 16 Sister b. Preston
John Pilkington 34 years Lic. Vict. b. Leyland
Ellen Pilkington 32 Wife b. Liverpool
Robert Pilkington 7 Son b. Preston
Elizabeth Pilkington 5 Daughter do
John Pilkington 45 years Lic. Vict. b. Leyland
Ellen Pilkington 44 Wife b. Liverpool
Robert Pilkington 17 Son b. Preston
John Kellett 53 years Publican b. Preston
Elizabeth Kellett 22 Daughter do
Bertha Kellett 20 Daughter do
Margaret M. Kellett 10 Daughter do
Joseph Halsall 50 years Publican b. Preston
Mary Halsall 49 Wife / Assisting in business b. Church
Alice Ann Halsall 27 Daughter / Assisting in business b. Preston
Herbert Halsall 21 Son / Reed Hook Making do
Edith May Halsall 17 Daughter / Milliner trade do
Beatrice Halsall 12 Daughter / School do
Ruby Halsall 10 Daughter / School do