161 Friargate
Demolished c. 1936
Where does the name come from?
The following is taken from the rules for the game of croquet:
SPECIFICATION Each hoop is made of solid metal and consists of two uprights connected by a crown. A hoop must be 12 inches in height above the ground measured to the top of the crown and must be vertical and firmly fixed. The uprights and the crown must have a uniform diameter of 5/8 inch above the ground although minor deviations at the top and bottom are permitted. The inner surfaces of the uprights must be approximately parallel and not less than 3 ¾ inches or more than 4 inches apart (subject to Law 53(b) for tournament and match play). Each hoop on a court must have the same dimensions within a tolerance of 1/32 inch. The crown must be straight and at right angles to the uprights.
Demolished c. 1936
Where does the name come from?
The following is taken from the rules for the game of croquet:
SPECIFICATION Each hoop is made of solid metal and consists of two uprights connected by a crown. A hoop must be 12 inches in height above the ground measured to the top of the crown and must be vertical and firmly fixed. The uprights and the crown must have a uniform diameter of 5/8 inch above the ground although minor deviations at the top and bottom are permitted. The inner surfaces of the uprights must be approximately parallel and not less than 3 ¾ inches or more than 4 inches apart (subject to Law 53(b) for tournament and match play). Each hoop on a court must have the same dimensions within a tolerance of 1/32 inch. The crown must be straight and at right angles to the uprights.
- COLOURS The hoops may be left unpainted or coloured white and, in addition, the crown of the first hoop (hoop 1) is coloured blue and that of the last hoop (rover) is coloured red. So now you know!!
...........the said JOSEPH SUDELL and Ellen PLANT, have bargained
with and sold and by their presents do bargain and sell unto the said
George SIM, his Executors administrators and assigns all that
messuage burgage or dwelling house, situate standing and being on
the north side of a certain street in Preston aforesaid called the
FRYERGATE lately in the possession of Thomas DICKINSON, and
made use of by him as a Public House and known by the sign of the
HOOP AND CROWN, but is now a private house and in the possession
of Miss Bolton.
...........the said JOSEPH SUDELL and Ellen PLANT, have bargained
with and sold and by their presents do bargain and sell unto the said
George SIM, his Executors administrators and assigns all that
messuage burgage or dwelling house, situate standing and being on
the north side of a certain street in Preston aforesaid called the
FRYERGATE lately in the possession of Thomas DICKINSON, and
made use of by him as a Public House and known by the sign of the
HOOP AND CROWN, but is now a private house and in the possession
of Miss Bolton.
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Preston Chronicle 30th August 1862 |
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You can just make out the wrought-iron canopy of the Hippodrome to the right of the picture. ![]() *
See evidence of a property trading as the "Hoop and Crown" prior to 1786, at or close to the site of the later inn.
Pre-1786 Thomas Dickinson 1786 - 1798 George Sim (Private house during this time - see Indenture details, above)
early 1800's Richard Dickinson d. 12th October 1814 See a notice of the death of John Dixon in 1817. He could have been the father of the John Dixon who was here from 1818 - 32.
1818 - 32 John Dixon d. Tuesday 15th August 1837, aged 56 years.
1832 - 34 James Wilkinson d. 19.2.1834 aged 48 years.
1839 Mr. Hooper
1840 Mr. Fowler
1841 - 51 James Whiteside d. 26.7.1861 aged 68 years, at the Fleetwood Arms Hotel, Fleetwood.
1853 - 54 Robert Grime - brother of Thomas Grime at the Black Bull, 35 Friargate.
1856 Ann Harrison
1856 - 61 Robert B. Dixon -went to the "Three Crowns" Canal Street. d. 22.7.1867 - 65 years.
1861 T. Gorman
1862 - 66 Robert Blakey (Blakoe)
1866 Thomas Hunter
1867 Mrs. Turner
1868 Henry Turner
1869 - 74 Edmund Barry
1876 licence transferred from Kate Barry and Margaret Barry, executors of the Will of the late Hannah Maria Barry to Kate Barry
1874 - 88 Miss Kate Barry
1888 - 91 James Hall - Married Kate Barry.
1893 - 94 Benjamin Bowman
1894 - 95 William and Mary Clitheroe
1895 James Hall - cooper - declared bankrupt in November 1895.
1895 - 97 John Cartmell (Cartmel)
1897 - 99 John Iddon
1899 - 1900 Edmund Ainsworth
1901 - 06 John J. Crook. - d. 5.1.1906 age 50 years. **
1906 - 13 Mrs. Amelia Crook
1917 - 19 Joseph Wareing (Waring) d. 27th November 1919 aged 60 years.
1919 Margaret Waring
1921 - 22 W. Craven
1926 Joseph Nolan
1932 Thomas Gorman. - owned by Matthew Brown & Co
1936 NO MENTION. Believed to have closed in 1936.
** John James Crook, landlord of the Hoop and Crown 1901-1905, was the son of William CROOK, plumber, glazier, painter, gilder, paper-hanger, furniture dealer, auctioneer, and landlord of the Albert Hotel 1858-1863, the Red Lion Hotel 1863-1867, and the Hesketh Arms and Cemetery Hotel from July 1868 until his death on the 13th October 1868.
DEATH: On Wednesday last, Mr. Richard Dickinson, formerly of the "Hoop and Crown" public-house, Preston, aged 59 years. Lancaster Gazette 15th October 1814 * DEATH On Monday last, Mr. John Dixon, of Preston, Innkeeper, aged 40 years. Lancaster Gazette 17th May 1817 See also, the Jolly Tars, Mount Pleasant * Lancaster Gazette 6th January 1821 * TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION by Mr. T. THRELFALL All that the said Old-established and well-accustomed INN or PUBLIC-HOUSE, known by the sign of the "HOOP AND CROWN," with the back-buildings, and land upon which the same stand; the yard and garden behind the same, and the new erections and improvements erected and made upon part of the said Premises, late in the occupation of Mr. John DIXON, and now of Mr. James WILKINSON. And also, all that DWELLING-HOUSE and SHOP, adjoining thereto, fronting Friargate aforesaid, in the occupation of James WHITESIDE.
Preston Chronicle 11th August 1832
Preston Chronicle 25th January 1840 * JAMES WHITESIDE BOOT AND SHOE MAKER 160 Friargate Begs leave to return his most sincere thanks to his Friends and the Public generally for the liberal patronage bestowed on him for the last 15 years in the above business, and he hopes by strict attention to all orders to merit a continuance of past favours. J.W. having taken and entered the "HOOP AND CROWN INN," Friargate, next door to the above establishment, he begs leave to acquaint the inhabitants of Preston and his Country friends, that he has a choice selection of WINES and SPIRITS, and an excellent Tap of Home-brewed ALE, and he trusts that by strict attention to Business, to merit a share of the public patronage. N.B. A Good Substantial Dinner for Farmers, &c., will be provided every Saturday, at one o'clock. Commodious Stabling and attentive Hostlers.
Preston Chronicle 30th January 1841
Preston Chronicle 6th July 1844 * This would appear to be the second part of the story. I'll try and find the beginning a.s.a.p. Ipswich Journal 11th April 1846 * PAWNBROKER'S BALL On Wednesday 19th November, the annual ball of the pawnbrokers was held at the "Hoop and Crown Inn," Friargate. There was a numerous attendance, and the supper provided on the occasion was a most bountiful one, comprising every delicacy; in short such as the host and hostess, Mr. and Mrs. Whiteside, usually place on the table when they cater for their friends for festive occasions. Dancing commenced on the removal of the tables, and continued until the following morning was pretty far advanced, the company heartily enjoying themselves.
Preston Chronicle 22nd November 1851
THE MALT TAX At a meeting of publicans and beersellers, at Mr. Grime's "Hoop and Crown Inn," Friargate, it was resolved to advance the price of beer sold out of doors, from 4d to 5d a quart.
Preston Chronicle 27th May 1854
ROBERT DIXON BEGS to inform his Friends and the Public generally, that he has REMOVED from St JOHN'S TAVERN, Avenham Lane, to the old-established Inn called the HOOP AND CROWN, in Friargate, where he respectfully solicits their favours. It will always be his study, by keeping at all times HOME-BREWED ALE of the best quality, and superior WINES and SPIRITS, and by studying the comfort of his guests, to merit their patronage. STABLING and every accommodation for a superior Market House.
Preston Chronicle 21st June 1856
If the person who left, nearly two months
and her PUPS, at Mr. R. DIXON'S, the
does not fetch them away within one week
from this date, they will be sold to defray
Preston Chronicle 23rd May 1857
On Monday evening last, an adjourned meeting
of the Preston Botanical Society was held at the
Hoop and Crown Inn, Friargate, Mr. Peter Eckersley
in the chair.
A series of rules for the governance of the Society
were adopted. Mr. John Bonney was re-elected
Secretary, and a copy of Rennie's Botany was
directed to be presented to him for his past services.
Mr. I. Farrington was re-elected Treasurer, and Mr.
W. Hall was appointed Vice-Chairman. The appointment
of Chairman was postponed until the next meeting.
Preston Chronicle 18th September 1858
BY Mr. H.P.WATSON, on Wednesday 26th Day of January,
instant, at seven o'clock in the evening,
at the Hoop and Crown Inn, Friargate, Preston,
Subject to such conditions as will then be produced.
ALL that the said HOOP AND CROWN INN, with
the Brew-house, Stables, Yard, and Outbuildings;
and also the adjoining SHOP and DWELLING-HOUSE,
now in the occupation of Mr. Robert Dixon and Mrs.
Coward respectively.
The premises are freehold of inheritance, and will be
offered for sale in one lot. For further particulars,
application may be made to Mr. R.B. DIXON,
Solicitor, Preston.
Preston Chronicle 6th January 1859
At the monthly meeting of the Natural History
Society, held at the Hoop and Crown Inn, on
Monday evening, Mr. Thomas Pugh submitted
to the members, the specimen of Cerura bicuspis,
the capture of which by him was noticed in the
Chronicle a few weeks since. Some good specimens
of other less rare moths and butterflies were shown
by several members.
Six new members were enrolled. There was a good
attendance. Mr. R. Sharples presided.
Preston Chronicle 7th July 1860
Preston Chronicle 19th February 1870
DEATH - On the 8th inst., Thomas,
eldest son of the late Mr. Robert Dixon,
of the Hoop and Crown Inn, Friargate,
aged 41 years.
Preston Chronicle 14th May 1870
Letter to the Editor of the Preston Chronicle.
Sir, I was surprised to see, in last Wednesday's
Police Reports, a case where two little boys, aged
11 and 9 years, were brought before the magistrates
for being drunk and incapable.
On reading the account, I was astonished to find that
the children stated they had received the 'drink' at the
Hoop and Crown, Friargate. Now it is a well-known
fact, and I can produce witnesses to prove it, that
neither thieves, prostitutes, nor children, are supplied
with drink at the Hoop and Crown.
Reporters should remember when dotting down police news,
that there are many "Crowns" in Preston, but only one
with a 'Hoop' attached to it. When a child comes for beer
or spirits, we always consider it is for their parents, and the
person who would permit a boy of 9 years to get drunk in his
house, is, in my estimation deserving of a fine or imprisonment.
Yours &c.,
Preston Chronicle 18th March 1871
Edward Leonard and William Fairclough, young men,
were charged with stealing a box containing a quantity
of needlework, the property of Jane Tye, Hawker. The
previous evening, about 11 o'clock, the prosecutrix
called at the Hoop and Crown in Friargate, but being
the worse for drink, the landlord refused to supply her
with any beer.
The prisoners, who were in the house at the time, followed
her out, and when they got to the top of Hope Street they
threw her to the ground, and took the property with which
they were charged with stealing from her.
They then ran down Hope Street with the stolen articles,
and a police constable who came up at the time, pursued
and apprehended them.
The articles, which were valued at 6s 6d were afterwards
found at the bottom of Hope Street. The prisoners pleaded
not guilty to the charge, and were committed to the Sessions
for trial.
Preston Chronicle 29th March 1873
Black Bull Hotel and the
Hoop and Crown Inn,
to Elswick, every Saturday.
Preston Chronicle 16th December 1882
Dundee Courier 4th August 1896
Lancashire Evening Post 28th February 1900
Lancashire Evening Post 28th August 1902
Lancashire Evening Post 26th April 1907
Lancashire Evening Post 6th February 1908
Lancashire Evening Post 7th December 1908
Lancashire Evening Post 2nd April 1909
Lancashire Evening Post 3rd December 1919
Lancashire Evening Post 13th February 1933
Lancashire Evening Post 5th February 1934
Lancashire Evening Post 13th March 1934
Lancashire Evening Post 15th July 1935
James Whiteside 45 years Innkeeper
Betty Whiteside 40 Wife
Mary Whiteside 20 Daughter
Jane Whiteside 15 Daughter
Peggy Whiteside 15 Daughter
James Whiteside 13 Son
Joseph Maude 20 Lodger? / Barber
James Whiteside 57 years Innkeeper b. Poulton
Betty Whiteside 53 Wife b. Bispham
Mary Whiteside 32 Daughter b. Poulton
Jane Whiteside 28 Daughter b. Preston
Peggy Whiteside 26 Daughter do
James Whiteside 23 Son do
Robert Dixon 60 years Innkeeper b. Clitheroe
Jane Dixon 53 Wife b. Barton
Thomas Dixon 32 Son b. Clitheroe
Hannah Dixon 21 Daughter b. Preston
John Dixon 19 Son do
Robert Dixon 16 Son do
Mary Dixon 14 Daughter do
Ellen Dixon 10 Daughter do
Edmund Barry 25 years Innkeeper b. London
Anne Barry 21 Wife b. Manchester
Kate Barry 21 Sister b. London
Anne A. ? 22 years Servant b. Ireland
Kate Barry 28 years Lic. Vict. b. London, Middlesex.
Margaret Barry 24 Sister do
Charlotte Barry 22 Sister b. Preston
James Hall 33 years Lic. Vict. b. Preston
Kate Hall 36 Wife b. London
(formerly Kate Barry)
John J. Crook 45 years Publican b. Preston
Amelia Crook 48 Wife do
Harry Crook 19 Son do
William Crook 18 Son do
Frank Crook 14 Son do
Ernest Crook 13 Son do
Bertie Crook 10 Son do
Amelia Crook 56 years widow Lic. Vict. b. Preston
Harry Crook 28 Clerk do
Frank Crook 25 Barman do
Ernest Crook 23 Cycle repair assistant do
Herbert Crook 19 Apprentice Painter do
Mary Anna Manning 35 widow Servant b. Swinton
Re: 1786 indenture: Joseph Sudell is my gtx5 grandfather. He was a successful shoemaker to trade. His first wife Mary Woodcock died in 1754, and he then married Sarah Plant, daughter of Rowland and Ellen Plant. Rowland died in 1785 aged 86. It may be that this was the property of the Plant family and that Joseph Sudell was acting as an executor along with his mother-in-law Ellen Plant, widow. Perhaps, then, Rowland Plant was innkeeper before Thomas Dickinson. Ellen died in 1794 at the ripe old age of 92.
ReplyDeleteFantastic linking material here. Many thanks for sharing it.
DeleteSteve H.
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteHi Steve I am a Liverpool historian and have just posted this story which has a Hoop and Crown link, would be grateful if I could use the photo and will happily link it to this blog.
Have seen this story before. Very sad. Yes, lift the photo and add to your story. I'll link an item to your blog. Write to me on srh.steve@aol.co.UK if you wish.
DeleteJohn James Crook, landlord of the Hoop & Crown Hotel 1901-1905, was the son of William Crook, plumber, glazier, painter, gilder, paper-hanger, furniture dealer, auctioneer, and landlord of the Albert Hotel 1858-1863, the Red Lion Hotel 1863-1867, and the Hesketh Arms & Cemetery Hotel from July 1868 until his death on 13 Oct 1868.
ReplyDeleteMany thanks, Glenn, I'll add that to the body of the page shortly. Trust you're keeping well!!