91a Friargate
1807 Mrs. Charnley Married Richard Guy in April 1807
1807 - 10 Mrs. Alice Guy Mrs. Guy and Mrs Charnley, one in the same lady.
Born in Treales as Alice Taylor. 1810 Mr. Richard Guy d. 10.1.1810 aged 27 year.
1818 - 22 Thomas Layfield d. 15.5.1822 aged 46 years - see below.
1824 - Jacob Hall
1825 - 29 James Nickson (Nixon) His father, Joseph, had been landlord here previously......When?
1834 - 38 Mr. F. Booth
1837 - 51 James Pemberton - wife, Ellen, d. 11.6.1841 aged 50 years.
1853 - 54 James Hill
1854 - 58 Thomas Brooks - flagger, slater, house builder.
1858 - 67 James Tinckler - wife, Ann, d. 2.3.1873.
1869 - 70 David Leigh
1871 - 73 James Tinckler
Hotel rebuilt and set further back from its original position in 1876 / 1877, in order to widen Friargate.
1875 - 79 William Richardson
1879 Agnes C. Richardson
1879 Mary Ann Waggett
1881 - 86 Richard Dobson
1886 - 91 Thomas Thackeray
1891 - 94 Annie Thackeray - in 1894 became Annie Houghton.
1894 - 1904 James Houghton
1904 - 07 William Hopkins
1910 C. Starkie In the 1911 Census Schedule the name was given as Starkie, but in the Census Return itself it was given as Straker.
1910 - 18 Charles Straker - sysnonymous with C. Starkie?
1920 - 36 William Heagin d. 7.3.1944 Wife Frances Heagin.
1940 - 48 Anthony Brindle
1952 - 57 William G. Davis (Davies?)
MARRIAGE: A few days ago,
Mr. Richard Guy , to Mrs. Charnley,
of the Lamb and Packet Hotel, Preston.
Lancaster Gazette 25th April 1807
DEATH: A few days ago, Mr. Guy,
of the Lamb and Packet public house, Preston.
Lancaster Gazette 27th January 1810
DEATH: On Wednesday 15th May 1822,
Mr. Thomas Layfield, of the Lamb and Packet
public house, Preston, aged 46 years.
Lancaster Gazette 18th May 1822
MARRIAGE: On Thursday 5th August 1824,
Mr. Jacob Hall, of the Lamb and Packet public
house, to Miss Sarah Dewhurst.
Lancaster Gazette 7th August 1824.
Early on Tuesday morning last.
A very large Black and White ENGLISH SETTER DOG,
with full tail, and answers to the name of "SANCHO."
Whoever has found same, will, on bringing him to the office
of this paper, or to Mr. F. BOOTH'S, LAMB AND PACKET,
be Handsomely Rewarded, and any person detaining him
after this notice will be prosecuted.
Preston Chronicle 23rd August 1834
A Brown and White POINTER BITCH, with two
Brown Ears, a spot on the back, a spot on the tail
and back, and a spot on the head.
The owner may have her restored on paying
expenses by applying to Mr. F. BOOTH, Lamb
and Packet, Friargate, Preston.
If she is not claimed in ten days, she will be
sold to defray expenses.
Preston Chronicle 5th March 1836
By T. Wren
At the House of J. Pemberton, sign of the
Lamb and Packet, Friaragate, on Thursday
21st December, inst., at 8 o'clock in the evening.
A PEW, siruate at the south side of the middle
Aisle of the Parish Church. ALSO, a FINGER
ORGAN, in handsome Mahoganey Case, 4 feet
wide by 7ft 6inches high.
For further particulars apply to T. WREN,
122 Fishergate, Preston.
Preston Chronicle 16th December 1837
![]() |
Preston Chronicle 25th March 1843 |
...............In the evening, meetings were held
adjoining the Lamb and Packet Inn, and the
Weavers' Arms. Very numerous and most
enthusiastic were the assemblages.
From the window of the Lamb and Packet, Mr.
and Mr. GRENFELL, successively addressed the crowd.
Preston Chronicle 31st July 1847
Preston Chronicle 3rd May 1851
On the 31st May, the officers and brethren of the
"Court Pride of Preston," met in the Court-room
of the Lamb and Packet Inn, Friargate.
Preston Chronicle 7th June 1851
Preston Chronicle 19th June 1852
Preston Chronicle 24th December 1852
One of the heroes of the militia named James Silcock,
was brought up for an assault upon Mr. Brooks, landlord
of the Lamb and Packet public-house, in Friargate, where
he was billeted. The assault complained of had been
committed by Silcock cecause Mr. Brooks would not
furnish him with a candle to light him to bed, even after
he had assured the plaintiff that he dare not go to bed
without a candle!
Ordered to find bail; in default to be committed to
prison for 14 days.
Preston Chronicle 16th September 1854
Preston Chronicle 14th March 1857
Preston Chronicle 1st May 1858
in last week's police intelligence as having
been bound over to keep the peace for being
concerned in a disturbance at the Lamb and
Packet Inn, Friargate, is not William Dilworth,
grocer and provision dealer, N0. 20 Friargate.
Preston Chronicle 8th May 1858
A young man named Charles Blackburn, who has only
just come out of prison, was charged with assaulting
Mary Ann Middleton, of the Lamb and Packet Inn,
On being examined she said that, on Thursday evening,
she met the prisoner, who was drunk, and without any
provocation he punched three jugs she was carrying
in her hands, and broke them.
At this juncture, Mr. Gibbons asked the Magistrates if
they would remand the case until the Saturday, as the
prisoner was suspected of robbing a till in the town.
The case was, accordingly, remanded.
Preston Chronicle 2nd April 1859
On Wednesday at noon, Mr. Thomas Dixon, in
pursuance of a preliminary notice sounded by the
bellman, addressed the "burgesses" of St. George's
Ward, out of the front window of the Lamb and Packet,
Friargate, A moderate crowd of working people, women
and children, were assembled opposite the hotel.
Preston Chronicle 3rd November 1860
by Mr. CHADWICK of Standish, at the house of
Mr. James Tinckler, the Lamb and Packet Inn,
Friargate, Preston, on 27th August 1861 at 7pm
LOT 1 All that established and well-accustomed
INN or PUBLIC HOUSE, known by the name of
the "LAMB AND PACKET," together with the
Brew-house, Yard and Outbuildings belonging
thereto, all of which are situate on the south side
of Friargate and east corner of Canal Street, in
Preston, in the occupation of Mr. James Tinckler,
as tenant.
Preston Chronicle 10th August 1861
It was sold to Mr. Willan for £1,450
Preston Chronicle 3rd November 1861
Preston Chronicle 12th November 1861
Preston Chronicle 9th March 1867
Preston Chronicle 16th March 1867
to his numerous Friends and Customers for the favours he
has received from them during the eight years he has been
proprietor of the "TALBOT INN" Chapel Yard; and now
respectfully informs them that he has ENTERED UPON
PACKET," FRIARGATE, where he hopes by means of
superior accomodation, attention to business, and a
constantsupply of the best WINES and LIQUORS to
merit an increase of their esteemed patronage and support.
Preston Chronicle 9th October 1875
Preston Chronicle 30th October 1875
Preston Chronicle 8th January 1876
TENDERS are requested for the Taking Down, Setting
Back, and Re-building the LAMB AND PACKET INN,
Friargate, Preston. Specifications may be seen at the
Town Hall, Preston, from the 8th to the 15th inst.
Sealed tenders, endorsed "Alterations at Lamb and Packet"
to be delivered to the Town Clerk, Town Hall, Preston,
on or before the 18th inst.
Preston Chronicle 6th May 1876
Preston Chronicle 3rd June 1876
Town Improvements Committee:................Mr. Garlick
reported that the premises at the bottom of Friargate,
the Lamb and Packet, would be shortly fit for habitation
by the tenant, the house having been rebuilt to extend
the footpath.
Preston Chronicle 23rd December 1876
It was proposed by the Council, to build a new public
house on the site of the original Wheatsheaf in
Water Lane, prompting the following comment from
Mr. Satterthwiate. He said that he hoped that if
such a house were contemplated, it would not be of
such contemptable proportions as the Lamb and
Packet, which they had just erected at the bottom
of Friargate.
Preston Chronicle 27th January 1877
Was the previous Lamb and Packet a lot smaller??
Manchester Courier 11th April 1877
Preston Guardian 14th April 1877
Preston Guardian 1st September 1877
Preston Guardian 22nd September 1877
Preston Guardian 29th September 1877
Preston Guardian 24th November 1877
Preston Guardian 15th November 1879
Preston Guardian 8th September 1883
Preston Guardian 31st January 1885
Preston Chronicle 31st January 1885
Preston Guardian 7th February 1885
Manchester Times 17th April 1886
Manchester Courier 12th May 1886
Lancashire Evening Post 3rd August 1887
Manchester Times 17th April 1886
Manchester Courier 12th May 1886
Lancashire Evening Post 3rd August 1887
Lancashire Evening Post 18th March 1893
Lancashire Evening Post 23rd March 1893
Lancashire Evening Post 12th July 1895
Lancashire Evening Post 7th April 1896
Lancashire Evening Post 29th December 1897
Lancashire Evening Post 30th December 1897
Lancashire Evening Post 27th March 1899
Lancashire Evening Post 15th April 1899
Lancashire Evening Post 18th April 1899
Lancashire Evening Post 23rd March 1893
Lancashire Evening Post 12th July 1895
Lancashire Evening Post 7th April 1896
Lancashire Evening Post 29th December 1897
Lancashire Evening Post 30th December 1897
Lancashire Evening Post 27th March 1899
Lancashire Evening Post 15th April 1899
Lancashire Evening Post 18th April 1899
Lancashire Evening Post 20th April 1900
Lancashire Evening Post 30th March 1903
Lancahire Evening Post 12th October 1904
Lancashire Evening Post 10th May 1906
Lancashire Evening Post 24th May 1906
Lancashire Evening Post 14th March 1907
Lancashire Evening Post 26th May 1908
Preston Chronicle 2nd November 1908
Note the air-raid warning notice above!
Lancashire Evening Post 24th April 1918
Lancashire Evening Post 28th October 1919
Lancashire Evening Post 27th December 1919
Lancashire Evening Post 11th February 1920
Lancashire Evening Post 13th November 1920
Lancashire Evening Post 7th September 1921
Lancashire Evening Post 21st April 1924
Lancashire Evening Post 17th March 1930
Lancashire Evening Post 16th April 1930
Lancashire Evening Post 19th May 1930
Lancashire Evening Post 16th July 1932
Lancashire Evening Post 19th January 1933
Lancashire Evening Post 8th April 1933
Lancashire Evening Post 9th January 1934
Lancashire Evening Post 21st December 1939
Lancashire Evening Post 3rd February 1940
Lancashire Evening Post 28th August 1940
Lancashire Evening Post 10th February 1941
Lancashire Evening Post 8th May 1941
Presumably, Mrs. Brindle was a Slater?
Lancashire Evening Post 17th June 1941
Lancashire Evening Post 1st September 1941
Lancashire Evening Post 4th September 1941
Lancashire Evening Post 17th November 1941
Lancashire Evening Post 21st October 1942
Lancashire Evening Post 7th September 1943
Lancashire Evening Post 9th March 1944
Lancashire Evening Post 13th March 1945
Lancashire Evening Post 1st May 1945
Lancashire Evening Post 12th June 1945
Lancashire Evening Post 27th May 1946
Lancashire Evening Post 3rd June 1946
Lancashire Evening Post 3rd December 1946
Lancashire Evening Post 10th December 1947
Lancashire Evening Post 24th December 1947
CHIMNEY FIRE: On duty in Friargate, Preston, on March 20th, P.C. Williams saw soot and smoke from the chimney of the Lamb and Packet Hotel, obscuring the view for passing traffic. Preston Fire Brigade put the fire out.
At Preston today, the licensee, William G. Davies (52), was fined 10 shillings for allowing the chimney to catch fire.
Lancashire Evening Post Saturday 11th April 1953
Coppull Youth is Remanded
Arising out of an accident in which the pillion passenger on a motor cycle was killed, a 16 years old Coppull, Wigan, youth appeared at the Preston Juvenile Panel today charged with stealing a motor-cycle value £120.
Detective Chief Inspector R. Gregory said a more serious charge would be preferred at a later date, and the youth was remanded on bail until next Wednesday.
Mr. Gregory said the motor cycle was left outside the Queen's Hall at Preston on Saturday night, and at 11pm Constable Cornwell was on duty in a police car at the junction of Adelphi Street and Moor Lane, Preston, when he saw the motor cycle with two youths riding it being driven at a fast speed, and saw it collide with the wall of the Lamb and Packet Hotel, Friargate.
Both youths were thrown from the machine and were removed to Preston Infirmary.
Later the accused youth admitted he was the driver of the motor cycle and had taken it from outside the dance hall.
He had been charged with the offence on discharge from the Infirmary today.
Liverpool Echo Thursday 11th December 1958
James Pemberton 58 years Publican
Ellen Pemberton 50 Wife
Richard Pemberton 25 Son
Elizabeth Pemberton 20 Daughter
May Pemberton 13 Daughter
James Pemberton 10 Son
James Pemberton 67 years Publican b. Thurnham
Richard Pemberton 36 Son b. Preston
Margaret Gardner 58 Servant b. Thurnham
Elizabeth Gardner 18 Servant do
James Tinckler 32 years Innkeeper b. Carleton
Ann Tinckler 46 Wife b. Preston
James Tinckler 42 years Innkeeper b. Carleton
Ann Tinckler 54 Wife b. Preston
Mary Tinckler 58 Sister b. Bispham
Annie Jane Rowlinson 15 General Servant b. Preston
Richard Dobson 46 years, widow Lic. Vict. b. Preston
Thomas Dobson 17 Son do
James Dobson 14 Son do
Ann Dobson 9 Daughter do
William Noblet 75 Brewer b. Warton
Thomas Thackery 42 years Publican b. Preston
Angie Thackery 31 Wife b. Ashton-le-Willows
Francis Thackery 17 Son b. Preston
Nellie Thackery 7 Niece do
James Houghton 61 years Lic. Vict. b. Walton-le-dale
Annie Houghton 42 Wife b. Ashton-in-Makerfield
Has Angie Thackery become Annie Houghton?
Charles Straker 50 years Publican b. Hull
Ada Straker 38 Wife b. Manchester
Thomas Platt 47 Brewer / Assistant b. Preston
With reference to James Nickson 1825 onwards. His father was Joseph Nickson who at some point also owned the Lamb and Packet. I have Joseph's will as he is my 5X gt grandfather.
ReplyDeleteRegards Fr Paul Harrison
Many thanks.
DeleteAny concrete facts that you are willing to share will be credited in line with your wishes - but dates, and any relevant contents of the Will would be great.
Send via email.
Try the 'SEARCH' box, top left of page, for other NICKSON'S (NIXON'S) who were at other pubs not a stone's throw away from the Lamb and Packet in the early 1800's. Could they be relatives?
Thanks again.............Steve H
What does the packet refer to in the name?
ReplyDeleteIt's a type of boat.