5 - 6 Church Street
A 17th Century hostelry, probably preceded by the
Read more about this place on Peter Smith's website dealing with aspects of Preston's history:
Read more about this place on Peter Smith's website dealing with aspects of Preston's history:
The "Red Lion" changed its name to the "Crown" in the late 1820's, and
presumably combined to create one larger hotel.
1801 John Forster d. 29.10.1801 see notice, below.
1807 Mr. Foster
1812 William Eccleston
1818 - 27 John Eccleston d. 1828
1827 - 28 Edward Jones
1828 Samuel Ainsworth
1829 George Latham (possibly a manager)
1932 Samuel Ainsworth
1837 - c. 1847 Thomas Waterworth - See notice below, dated 21.8.1847.
1849 - 54 Thomas Gerard (Gerrard)
1857 - 73 Richard Robinson
1875 - 83 Thomas Horn
1883 - 88 Edward Thomas Houghton
1887 George Smith (probably a manager)
1888 - 98 Yates Bros. and Co. (Peter Yates)
Owners: 1894 - to this date owned by the Corporation.
1895 - from this date owned by Nathaniel Miller (hence Miller Arcade).
According to the 1732 Poor Law Rate
Assessment book, in that year it was
known as the "KING'S ARMS & WOOLPACK"
L.R.O. Ref: CNP/ 3/1/11
DEATH: In Preston, on Thursday 29th
October, 1801, Mr. John Forster, of the
King's Arms Inn, one of the town serjeants.
Lancaster Gazette 31st October 1801
Lancaster Gazette 12th September 1807
ALL that capital and commodious INN, called the
"KING'S ARMS," situate on the north side of
Church Street, Preston, with the Back-buildings ,
Brew-house, Stables, Yard, Cellars, Vaults, and
other appurtenances, now in the possession of
Edward JONES.
The property was late the inheritance of John
Eccleston, deceased, is well situated, and has
lately been improved and repaired.
Preston Chronicle 4th October 1818
Preston Chronicle 10th March 1821
Preston Pilot 20th January 1827
Preston Pilot 20th October 1827
The Creditors of JOHN ECCLESTON, late of
the King's Arms, within Preston, innkeeper,
deceased, are desired to attend at the said
King's Arms, on Monday 11th August next,
at 3 o'clock, relative to his affairs.
DIXON & ABRAHAM, Solicitors
Preston Chronicle 9th August 1828
![]() |
Preston Chronicle 4th February 1832 |
Preston Chronicle 25th November 1837
Preston Chronicle 30th May 1840
Preston Guardian 21st August 1847
Preston Guardian 1st January 1848
Preston Guardian 2nd June 1849
Preston Guardian 26th April 1851
Preston Guardian 13th August 1853
Preston Guardian 12th August 1854
Preston Guardian 29th December 1855
Preston Guardian 18th October 1856
Preston Guardian 30th August 1862
Preston Guardian 24th December 1864
Preston Guardian 16th February 1867
Preston Guardian 17th December 1870
Preston Guardian 19th December 1874
Preston Guardian 24th June 1876
Preston Chronicle 20th July 1878
Preston Guardian 6th November 1880
Preston Guardian 15th January 1881
Preston Guardian 15th July 1882
Preston Guardian 20th January 1883
Preston Guardian 19th September 1885
TWO versions of the same story:
Preston Guardian 19th December 1885
Lancashire Evening Post 2nd October 1888
Preston Herald 6th October 1888
Preston Herald 22nd April 1899
Thomas Waterworth 35 years Publican
Sarah Waterworth 35 Wife
Hannah Waterworth 5 Daughter
George Waterworth 1 Son
Thomas Gerrard 58 years Innkeeper b. Anderton
Mary Gerrard 50 Wife b. Singleton
Sarah Gerrard 21 Daughter b. Chorley
Thomas Gerrard 13 Son b. Preston
Alice Gerrard 16 Daughter do
William Gerrard 13 Son do
John Gerrard 11 Son do
Richard Robinson 45 years Wine and Spirit Dealer b. England
Mary Ann Robinson 30 Wife / Nil b. Preston
Richard Robinson 13 Son / scholar do
John Robinson 11 Son / Scholar do
Mary B. Robinson 5 Daughter / Scholar do
Charles B. Robinson 4 Son / Scholar do
Robert B. Robinson 3 Son / Scholar do
Joseph B. Robinson 1 Son do
William Bradshaw Robinson Infant Son do
Christiana Dawson 22 Servant / Barmaid do
Ellen Watkinson 20 House Servant do
Catherine Atherton 47 Monthly Nurse do
Elizabeth Smith 27 Nurse do
Richard Robinson 55 years Lic. Vict. b. Bentham, Yorks.
Mary Anne Robinson 46 Wife b. Hambleton
Alice Bradshaw Robinson 17 Daughter b. Preston
Mary Anne Robinson 15 Daughter do
Charles Robinson 14 Son do
Thomas Horn 36 years Innkeeper b. Preston
Ellen Horn # 40 Wife b. Simonswood
Elizabeth Kirkham 24 Step-daughter b. Preston
Mary Kirkham 18 Step-daughter do
Eleanor Kirkham * 15 Step-daughter do
# Ellen was formerly Ellen Kirkham.
* In 1882 Eleanor Kirkham married a George Swarbrick - see Swan Inn and Vine Tavern.
The 15 year old Eleanor Kirkham listed above in 1881 later married George Swarbrick in 1882 and was later at the Swan Inn and Vine Tavern - see those entries for more information.
ReplyDeleteDave Swarbrick
In 1901 Eleanor (now with a 17 year old daughter) was back living with her mother and step-father, at a public house at 57 Bridge Street Road, Chester.
DeleteI believe that George, her husband, was living at 87 Bedford Street, Preston, and described as a 'barman' although I don't think that address was a pub.
Both were described in the Census as 'married'.