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Sunday, 25 March 2012

RED LYON, Church Gate

Church Gate  (now Church Street)
see also, the "WHITE LYON"
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The asterisk is below the Red Lion of the 19th Century. There is no reason
that its predecessor was not the "Red Lyon," in the same position, and probably
the same building.
Taken from the Poor Rate Assessment Book 1732
L.R.O. Ref. CNP/3/1/11
However, Anthony Hewitson, in his notes relating to the Court Leet
Records, he wrote the following:
"The Red Lyon would, no doubt, be the name of a public house, 
and it would be situated towards the north or the south end of
Friargate - which end is now impossible to definitely say, but probably
the latter".
1732              James Fishwick (Property owned by Henry Fleetwood)
1775 - 79      William Dawson
1779 - 86      Samuel Dawson  (son of above William).
1786              William Birchall -son, Richard, d. w/c 2.9.1788, at the Red Lion in Preston.
1796              William Salisbury - [The Election Expense Record of expenditure incurred by the Committee in the Interests of Stanley and Houghton, bore the
                                                    address, 'William Salisbury, Old Red Lyon.']       
1797              William Burrows

Manchester Mercury - Tuesday 21 February 1775

Manchester Mercury  10th August 1779
London General Evening Post  12th August 1779
Manchester Mercury  20th November, 1781, and
Manchester Mercury  5th March 1782
Leeds Intelligencer 2nd July 1782
Manchester Mercury  18th April 1786
Manchester Mercury   4th July 1786 
 Manchester Mercury   28th March 1797