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Wednesday, 17 December 2014


1 Syke Hill
Arkwright House, Stoneygate, will give you your bearings for the "WHITE LION".
Shepherd Street runs to the left of the White Lion.
1808                        Henry Scott   -  wife died 29.11.1808 aged 38 'after a few days of illness'.
1812                        Henry / Thomas Scott   -  d. 26.5.1812 Thomas was probably a son.
1818 - 19                John Walmsley   d. 25.1.1819
1819 - 29                Jane Walmsley    - Jane married John Mayor in 1829. See below.
1829 - 31                 John Mayor
1834                        Richard Strickland
1834                        Thomas Hammond      d. 26.8.1834, see below
1841                        James Stirzaker
1845                        Joseph Park   -  Given in Preston Chronicle 16.8.1845 at the "BLACK LION"
                                                                - owned by Messrs. T. Clark and H. Armstrong
1850 - 54                 Henry Rich
1857 - 61                Thomas Martin
1862 - 63                Henry Rich
1865 - 66                Mrs. Elizabeth Martin  - in 1866 J.S. FOSS married Elizabeth Martin.
1866 - 73                Joseph Scott Foss - in 1870 J.S.F. was cautioned for allowing prostitues to frequent the White Lion.
1877 - 81                Mrs. Mary Seed
1881 - 98                William Reeder Walker - 1882 owned by Rev. Peter Holmes, Huyton, Liverpool.
                                                                    - bought by William Reeder Walker.
1899                        John James Crook        - property owned by Simon Child.
1900                        Simon Child
1900 - 01                Thurston Walker
1902                        Arthur Yates
1902                        Henry Hill
1905                       Charles William F. Chandler - note the conflicting date here
1905 - 07                Henry Haworth
1910 - 17                John William (Jack) Hutchins
1924                       Thomas Nichol
1931 - 32               Alfred Gommersall - wife, Margaret, d. 14.2.1931 aged 56 years.
1936                       Walter Langabeer
1940                       Seth Bond
1944                       Robert Moss
DEATH:  On Tuesday last, Mr. Thomas Scott,
of the White Lion public-house, Preston.
Lancaster Gazette  30th May 1812
DEATH:  On Tuesday last, Mr. Henry Scott,
of the White Lion public-house, Preston 
Lancaster Gazette  27th June 1812
DEATH:  On Monday last, Mr. John Walmsley,
of the White Lion public-house, in Preston.
Lancaster Gazette  30th January 1819 
On 7th April 1929, John Mayor, late of the Derby Arms, Preston, to Mrs. Jane Walmsley, of the White Lion, Sykes, Preston.
Lancaster Gazette   18th April 1929
Preston Chronicle  21st May 1831
ANY person who can give any account
of the Estate and Effects, or Debts owing
the WHITE LION, public-house, Preston,
are requested to send the particulars to
JOHN NOBLE, Maudland Kilns, Preston.
Preston Chronicle 14th June 1834
DEATH:  On Tuesday last, Mr. Thomas Hammond,
landlord of the White Lion public-house, Syke.
Preston Chronicle  30th August 1834 
 The Era  31st March 1850
The Era  16th February 1851
Freeman's Journal (Dublin)   19th February 1857

 Preston Chronicle – 18th September 1861

Preston Chronicle   19th December 1863
Preston Chronicle  6th October 1866
 Preston Herald – 11th January 1871
Preston Herald   27th May 1871
Preston Chronicle  26th October 1872
Preston Guardian  15th February 1879
 Lancashire Evening Post   20th September 1905
James Stirzaker                      34 years                     Publican
Ann Stirzaker                         38                              Wife
James Stirzaker                     10 months                   Son

Henry Rich                             41 years                     Innkeeper                 b. Woodplumpton

Thomas Martin                       36 years                    Innkeeper                              ?
Elizabeth Martin                      32                             Wife
Thurston Martin                       4                              Son
Thomas Henry Martn              5                               Son
Margaret Ellen Martin              1                              Daughter

Walter Scott Foss                  29 years                    Innkeeper                  b. Preston
Elizabeth Foss                        42                             Wife                          b. Bolton ?
Walter Foss                             4                              Son                           b. Preston

William Walker                     21 years                     Lic. Vict.                    b. Preston
Margaret Ellen Walker          21                              Wife                                    do
Thurston Walker                   1                                Son                                     do
    see 1861 census for the link.

William Walker                     31 years                     Publican                     b. Preston
Thurston Walker                   10                              Son                                     do
Margaret E. Walker              31                              Wife                                    do
Thurston Walker                   22 years                     Publican                     b. Preston
Margaret U. Walker             22                              Wife                                    do
William Walker                     7 months                    Son                                     do
      see the 1881 census for another link.

Jack Hutchins                       34 years                     Publican                     b. Gateshead
Ellen Hutchins                       38                   Wife / Assisting in business    b. Upholland
Heorge Hutchins                    4                              Son                            b. Blackpool
Jack Hutchins                        3                              Son                                       do
Robert Morris                      14                       Nephew / School              b. Winson Green, Birmingham
Fred Hutchins                      31      Brother / Out of work cabinet maker   b. Gateshead