37 Canal Street (now Kendal Street)
Later 37, Kendal Street (1904)
22 Kendal Street (1907)
Later 37, Kendal Street (1904)
22 Kendal Street (1907)
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1839 - 41 Robert Jenkinson Also seen as 'Jackson'
1845 Robert Gillgrass - owned by Hugh Becconsall.
1845 Robert Gillgrass - owned by Hugh Becconsall.
1851 Margery Leeming
1853 Mary Wraigg
1861 Agnes Jackson
1867 Robert Dixon d. 22.7.1867 aged 66 years.
1869 James Bradley
1870 - 71 Miles Whittle
1871 Ellen Gardner (Garner) - 23.4.1871, fined £5 + costs for breaching the Sunday Act. Recorded on her licence. A huge fine. .
1877 William Barnes .
1877 Patrick Hare
1882 Henry Astley
1877 Patrick Hare
1882 Henry Astley
1883 - 86 Michael Collins
1886 - 87 John Gildert
1886 - 87 John Gildert
1887 - 89 John Brimley
1889 William Pendlebury
1889 William Pendlebury
1889 - 98 Thomas Jenkinson
1898 - 1901 John James Robinson
1898 - 1901 John James Robinson
1901 - 05 Richard McKinley - born in Newry co. Down and came to Preston about 1881.
1907 William Hill
Robert Jenkinson, beer-seller, Canal-street, was called upon to answer the charge of selling, on the 12th February, a pennyworth of tobacco, not being licensed. Mr. F. Armstrong appeared for the information, and Mr. Catterall for the defendant.
Mr. Elmey, permit writer, examined:- On the 12th February I went to the defendant's house and had two glassed of ale, after which I was served with a pennyworth of tobacco by the defendant's wife. It was brought to me by a little boy.
Cross-examined by Mr. Catterall, - I will swear that I have not visited 100 houses for the purpose of procuring informations since the 12th February. I will not swear that I have not visited thirty, but I think not. I am sure that the tobacco was brought by a little boy, and not by a girl. I never gave a penny to the little girl, although I saw one there. I had some bread and cheese at the house.
Mr. Catterall then addressed the Bench for the defendant, and called the following g testimony. Elizabeth Jenkinson examined:- I am 12 years of age, and the daughter of the defendant; I recollect Mr. Elmey coming to our house on the 12th February; it was Shrove Tuesday; he had some ale, and treated a man named James Acres with two glasses. He asked my mother if she sold tobacco, and she said she could send for it; Elmey then gave me a penny, and I fetched the tobacco from a neighbouring shop, and I took it to him; I also fetched him some bread and cheese, and he made me a present of a penny.
Ann Gregson examined:- I am a shopkeeper, and I live near the defendant, and recollect the last witness coming for a pennyworth of tobacco to our shop.
Cross-examined: There was only one pennyworth of tobacco fetched from our shop to the defendant's house that day.
James Acres examined:- I recollect the day when the witness Elmey was at the defendant's house; I am the brewer there, and I recollect seeing the girl, Elizabeth Jenkinson, coming into the house with a pennyworth of tobacco, which was for the Exciseman, Elmey. He invited me to smoke some of it.
This being the case for the defendant, Mr. F. Armstrong addressed the Bench in reply, commenting ably on the evidence given by the defendant's witnesses; he considered that it was a mere question of credit, and he thought the Bench would act most safely by believing Mr. Elmey.
The Bench consulted for a few minutes, and the Mayor said there must be some mistake on the part of the witness, and they could not make up their mind to convict.
The case must, therefore, be dismissed.
Preston Chronicle 18th May 1839
The "Three Crowns," in Canal Street,
with extensive outbuildings, Brewhouse,
Stabling, Shippons, &c.
Apply to Messrs. LONGWORTH and GARDNER
48 Lune Street, Preston.
Lancashire Evening Post 6th February 1908
Robert Jenkinson, beer-seller, Canal-street, was called upon to answer the charge of selling, on the 12th February, a pennyworth of tobacco, not being licensed. Mr. F. Armstrong appeared for the information, and Mr. Catterall for the defendant.
Mr. Elmey, permit writer, examined:- On the 12th February I went to the defendant's house and had two glassed of ale, after which I was served with a pennyworth of tobacco by the defendant's wife. It was brought to me by a little boy.
Cross-examined by Mr. Catterall, - I will swear that I have not visited 100 houses for the purpose of procuring informations since the 12th February. I will not swear that I have not visited thirty, but I think not. I am sure that the tobacco was brought by a little boy, and not by a girl. I never gave a penny to the little girl, although I saw one there. I had some bread and cheese at the house.
Mr. Catterall then addressed the Bench for the defendant, and called the following g testimony. Elizabeth Jenkinson examined:- I am 12 years of age, and the daughter of the defendant; I recollect Mr. Elmey coming to our house on the 12th February; it was Shrove Tuesday; he had some ale, and treated a man named James Acres with two glasses. He asked my mother if she sold tobacco, and she said she could send for it; Elmey then gave me a penny, and I fetched the tobacco from a neighbouring shop, and I took it to him; I also fetched him some bread and cheese, and he made me a present of a penny.
Ann Gregson examined:- I am a shopkeeper, and I live near the defendant, and recollect the last witness coming for a pennyworth of tobacco to our shop.
Cross-examined: There was only one pennyworth of tobacco fetched from our shop to the defendant's house that day.
James Acres examined:- I recollect the day when the witness Elmey was at the defendant's house; I am the brewer there, and I recollect seeing the girl, Elizabeth Jenkinson, coming into the house with a pennyworth of tobacco, which was for the Exciseman, Elmey. He invited me to smoke some of it.
This being the case for the defendant, Mr. F. Armstrong addressed the Bench in reply, commenting ably on the evidence given by the defendant's witnesses; he considered that it was a mere question of credit, and he thought the Bench would act most safely by believing Mr. Elmey.
The Bench consulted for a few minutes, and the Mayor said there must be some mistake on the part of the witness, and they could not make up their mind to convict.
The case must, therefore, be dismissed.
Preston Chronicle 18th May 1839
The "Three Crowns," in Canal Street,
with extensive outbuildings, Brewhouse,
Stabling, Shippons, &c.
Apply to Messrs. LONGWORTH and GARDNER
48 Lune Street, Preston.
Preston Chronicle 4th December 1869
Preston Chronicle 6th May 1871
Preston Chronicle 2nd September 1871
Preston Chronicle 14th December 1872
Preston Chronicle 30th July 1887
Preston Chronicle 2nd September 1871
Preston Chronicle 14th December 1872
Preston Chronicle 30th July 1887
PERSONS desirous of TENDERING for the
purchase of the BEERHOUSE, known as the
"Three Crowns Inn," in Canal Street, may
obtain particulars of the same and of the
conditions of sale on application to the
Borough Engineer, 16 Church Street.
Sealed tenders, endorsed "Tender for Three
Crowns Inn" must be sent not later than
noon on Thursday, the 11th July, 1889.
The Corporation do not bind themselves to
accept the highest or any Tender.
HENRY HAMER, Town Clerk.
Preston Chronicle 29th June 1889
Ann Jenkinson 35 years Retail Brewer
Robert Jenkinson 35 Husband
James Jenkinson 15 Son
Elizabeth Jenkinson 13 Daughter
Ann Jenkinson 9 Daughter
Agnes Jenkinson 5 Daughter
Mary Jenkinson 3 Daughter
Margery Leeming 29 years Retail Brewer b. Lancaster
Thomas Leeming 64 Father do
Mary May 33 Sister do
Mary J. May 9 Niece b. Preston
George May 6 Nephew b. Liverpool
Robert C. Jackson 47 years Boilermaker b. Lancaster
Agnes Jackson 46 Wife / Beershop Keeper b. Preston
Mary Ann Jackson 19 Daughter do
Harriett Manucall 18 Servant/Waiter b. Kent
Ellen Garner 51 years Beerhouse Keeper b. Preston
Margaret O. Garner 10 Daughter do
Robert Clark 20 Son-in-law b. Swansea
Thomas Jenkinson 46 years Beerseller b. Nateby
Ellen Preston 45 widow. Servant do
In the census it was no longer referred to as a beerhouse, but the Court Licensing Records
still showed a licence holder until 1907.
Richard McKinley 53 years General Dealer b. Ireland
Ann McKinley 49 Wife do
Elizabeth McKinley 23 Daughter do
Peter McKinley 18 Son b. Preston
Frank McKinley 15 Son do
Kate McKinley 14 Daughter do
Mary McKinley 11 Daughter do
Rose A. McKinley 10 Daughter do
Anthony McKinley 8 Son do
Ellen ? McKinley 6 Daughter do
This information is courtesy of a great-grand daughter of Richard McKinley - Thankyou
Margery Leeming 29 years Retail Brewer b. Lancaster
Thomas Leeming 64 Father do
Mary May 33 Sister do
Mary J. May 9 Niece b. Preston
George May 6 Nephew b. Liverpool
Robert C. Jackson 47 years Boilermaker b. Lancaster
Agnes Jackson 46 Wife / Beershop Keeper b. Preston
Mary Ann Jackson 19 Daughter do
Harriett Manucall 18 Servant/Waiter b. Kent
Ellen Garner 51 years Beerhouse Keeper b. Preston
Margaret O. Garner 10 Daughter do
Robert Clark 20 Son-in-law b. Swansea
Thomas Jenkinson 46 years Beerseller b. Nateby
Ellen Preston 45 widow. Servant do
In the census it was no longer referred to as a beerhouse, but the Court Licensing Records
still showed a licence holder until 1907.
Richard McKinley 53 years General Dealer b. Ireland
Ann McKinley 49 Wife do
Elizabeth McKinley 23 Daughter do
Peter McKinley 18 Son b. Preston
Frank McKinley 15 Son do
Kate McKinley 14 Daughter do
Mary McKinley 11 Daughter do
Rose A. McKinley 10 Daughter do
Anthony McKinley 8 Son do
Ellen ? McKinley 6 Daughter do
This information is courtesy of a great-grand daughter of Richard McKinley - Thankyou
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