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Friday, 9 November 2012

IMPORTANT FACT, Ladyman Street

1 Ladyman Street
There is no doubt that this is synonymous with the
of the same address.
It would seem that there is a little bit of 'Marketing  going
on here. 'Braithwaite,' who was the brother-n-law of the
landlord at the time, was also the brewer there.

And it would seem that it was 'a very important fact' that
HIS beer was unrivaled in the town!!

Having said that, it was shown in the 1871 Census as
being called the "Important Fact" as will be seen from
the copy of the Census below.

You'll notice the "Kendal Castle" next door, just above it.

Although this has nothing to do with this pub, the
language contained within it would suggest that the
Braithwaite at the Oddfellows' was related in some
way to the Braithwaite in the advertisement. He
certainly originated from the Lakeland area.
Lancaster Gazette  28th February 1818

Preston Herald  25th February 1871
Preston Herald  15th February 1873
A connection here between the brewery and
the retail outlet that he called the "Important Fact"
Preston Guardian  18th September 1875
William Brown                  48 years                    Lic. Vict.                     b. Blackrod
Margaret Brown               48                             Wife                            b. Hawkshead
William B. Brown             18                              Son                            b. Preston
Elizabeth Brown               16                              Daughter                              do
William Braithwaite           52                             Brewer                       b. Hawkshead
Braithwaite was Brown's brother-in-law, so it may be assumed that Margaret was nee Braithwaite