76 or 71 Moor Lane
The building to the left of the biscuit factory is on the corner of Victoria Street, and is the original "Prince Arthur Hotel"
Taken from "Preston Digital Archives" on Flikr.
The building to the left of the biscuit factory is on the corner of Victoria Street, and is the original "Prince Arthur Hotel"
Taken from "Preston Digital Archives" on Flikr.
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1852 - 54 John Newton
1856 John Seddon d. 6.12.1856 aged 43 years.
1858 - 59 Bernard Ormandy
1859 Samuel Collinson
1859 Joseph Newton (owner)
1859 - 61 Samuel Collinson
1861 Joseph Newton
1861 Samuel Collinson
1862 Charles Brown
1862 - 65 Ann Kew
1865 - 66 Thomas Rawlinson
1868 John Kew
1868 - 73 James Singleton
1875 Thomas Mullineux
1876 - 77 William Fishwick - owner of property.
1877 - 89 Thomas Wilson
1889 - 92 Elizabeth Wilson
1892 - 95 David Bramley - owner of property.
1901 William H. Kowarth
1904 David Bramley
1905 John Lord
1907 - 13 James Bell
1924 James Trainer almost certainly the son of PNE goalkeeper, James Trainer. If
so, he would be 27 years old in this year.
See 1901 Census at the "Black-a-Moor's Head"
1932 John Watkinson
1936 John Thompson
1940 Alice Burrows
1944 Charles Simpson
1955 Mr and Mrs McCormick
At the Prince Arthur Inn, Moor Lane, Preston
On the 12th December 1854.
LOT 1 ALL that well-accustomed and substantially built
INN or PUBLIC HOUSE, known by the name of the
"PRINCE ARTHUR INN," situate in Moor Lane, together
with the Provision Shop, Dwelling-house, Bake-house,
and School Room adjoining the same, now in the
occupation of John Newton, John Calderbank and others,
the premises being subject to an annual ground rent of
£13 7s 9d, which may be redeemed.
Preston Chronicle 2nd December 1854
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Preston Chronicle 5th February 1859 |
Ez![]() |
Preston Chronicle 5th May 1860 |
An inquest was held on the body of a weaver named
Robert Dewhurst, 26 years of age, of 19 Victoria Street.
About 4 o'clock on Monday afternoon last, the deceased,
who was not accustomed to brewing, was ladling a quantity
of hot liquor out of a brewing boiler in a brew-house
attached to the Prince Arthur Inn, Moor Lane, when his
foot slipped, and he fell headlong into the hot liquor. He
raised a cry, and a man named John Sharples ran to his
He was got out shortly afterwards, but he was scalded
most severely. He died at about 8.20 the same evening.
He told his sister, Alice Wignall, with whom he lived,
that nobody was to blame but himself, and the jury
brought a verdict of accidental death.
Preston Chronicle 18th November 1865
On Wednesday last, at the Police Court, Thomas Rawlinson, if the Prince Arthur
Inn, Victoria Street, Moor Lane, was summoned for refusing to admit the police
on Sunday morning, the 2nd inst. Mr. Forshaw represented the police authorities,
and Mr. Watson appeared for the defendant . PC 21 said that at about forty minutes
past twelve on Sunday morning, he, along with another officer, went to the Prince Arthur Inn
and knocked at the door. They waited about seven minutes before any person came to
the door. A woman then came and asked who was there, and he replied, "The police". She then
asked for their numbers, when he said that was of no consequence, and he did not give them.
They were not admitted to the house.
Mr Watson said that he had reason to suppose there was someone in the house, because he
heard persons talking on the inside. He had not seen anyone go in or come out of the premises.
He had not given his number when requested to do so.
PC 39 corroborated the first officer's statement.
Mr Watson said that he was not aware that the police had a particular 'knock' on such
occasions, and added that the person who went to the door acted very properly in refusing
admittance to the two policemen.
She had put a question to them which they ought to have answered, and by their refusing to do
so, she was perfectly right in not opening the door.
The fact was, that m any persons went to public houses during prohibited hours, said that
they were police constables, and thereby gained admittance. In the present case there was no
one in the defendant's house but his own family. The house was closed at twelve o'clock on the
Saturday night, and at the time the officers visited the place, the family were waiting for
the coming home of one of Mr. Rawlinson's sons, who is an apprentice to Mr. Alston,
pawnbroker, Friargate, and they were well aware of how late it was on Saturday nights when
pawnbrokers closed their establishments.
Mr. Watson called a daughter and a son of the defendant, who bore out his statement.
The magistrates, having consulted for a short time, the Mayor said, We dismiss this case,
and at the same time I must say that the police officers ought to have answered the question
which was put to them. There could be no good in refusing to give the information asked for,
but a great deal of good might have arisen by giving it.
Preston Chronicle 22nd December 1866
by Mr. JABEZ B. JONES on
Wednesday 3rd January 1877, at the PRINCE ARTHUR
HOTEL, Moor Lane, Preston.
LOT 1. CAPITAL and commanding INN or PUBLIC
HOUSE, situate at the corner of Moor Lane and Victoria
Street, in the occupation of Mr. William Fishwick, the
owner, known by the name of the "PRINCE ARTHUR,"
together with the Brewhouse, now used as a Stable,
Buildings and Yard.
The Public House contains a large, capital vault, two
Bar Parlours, good Sitting Rooms and Bedrooms, &c.,
together with the lock-up shop adjoining the Prince
Arthur, at 151 Victoria Street.
Preston Chronicle 30th December 1876
On Wednesday evening, 22nd January, in the
Club-room of the Prince Arthur Hotel, Moor
Lane, a lecture was given by Mr. Charles Harvey,
on the subject of "Sewer Ventilation and
Sanitation." There was a fair attendance.
Mr. Harvey illustrated his remarks with apparatus
he had constructed, showing the effects of the
varying systems of ventilation now in vogue.
Preston Chronicle 25th January 1890
ABOUT 30 TONS of good HORSE MANURE to be Sold.
Apply: WILSON'S, Prince Arthur, Moor Lane.
Preston Herald 18th October 1890
The fully-licensed public-house, the "PRINCE
ARTHUR HOTEL," Moor Lane, together with
the brewery, stables, coach house, and buildings
attached, and the two adjoining dwelling-houses
and shop in Victoria Street, the whole containing
about 643 superficial square yards.
The hotel contains vault, parlours, and other
accommodation, and is well-known as one doing
a large retail business, and a large outside trade
in connection with the brewery.
Preston Chronicle 9th April 1892
On Monday evening last, a grand Smoking Concert was held at the Prince Consort Hotel, Moor Lane, in connection with the Prince of Wales Lodge, Number 6103, when P.P.G.M. Councillor Edward Barton was in the chair, and P.P.G.M. John Southworth in the Vice-Chair.
The following artists took part in the proceedings - Brother William Monk, James Smith, Richard Leach, T. Wignall, J. Greyson, Edward Barton, Ainscough, J. Standing, Bomont, Morris, Howard, Simpson, J. Drummond, Hayes Brook, and Rigg.
A toast was proposed and drunk to the Prince of Wales Lodge, by P.P.G.M. James Bolton, J.P., and a vote of thanks was passed to the Chairman and entertainers, which brought a very pleasant evening to a close with "God Save the Queen."
Preston Herald 17th November 1894
OFF BEER LICENSE TO BE LET - Apply, Prince Arthur Hotel, Moor Lane, between the hours of 10 and 11am and 4 and 5pm.
Lancashire Evening Post 12th August 1895
The above image was contributed by a reader (Simon)
- if you let me know your full name I'll acknowledge it
on the site, but thanks anyway.
Simon found the bottle on a tip that used to exist at
the back of Haslam Park some time ago.
On the bottle, from top to bottom, it reads:-
I don't know a lot about David Bramley other than that he was the landlord of the Prince Arthur Hotel, Moor Lane, Preston, from 1892 - 1895, and again in 1904. He owned the property.
It would seem that he had a "chain" of businesses, mainly grocery-type outlets. I intend taking a closer look at him later.
If there are any Bramley descendants reading this, please
get in touch with me.
Lancashire Evening Post 7th February 1906
Samuel Collinson 31 years Lic. Vict. b. Preston
Mary Ann Collinson 26 Wife do
John William Collinson 5 Son do
Mary Alice Collinson 7 months Daughter do
James Singleton 25 years Lic. Vict. b. Broughton
Sarah Singleton 28 Wife b. Preston
Mary Agnes Singleton 7 months Daughter do
Thomas Wilson 37 years Innkeeper b. Preston
Elizabeth Wilson 37 Wife do
Sarah E. Wilson 4 Daughter do
Thomas H. Wilson 2 Son do
Lillian Wilson 6 months Daughter do
Elizabeth Wilson 48 years Hotel Proprietor b. Preston
Sarah E. Wilson 14 Daughter do
Thomas H. Wilson 12 Son do
Lilian E. Wilson 10 Daughter do
William H. Howarth 29 years Hotel Manager b. Rufford
Alice A. Howarth 25 Wife b. Preston
Ivy M. Howarth 3 Daughter do
James Bell 31 years Lic. Vict. b. Preston
Mary Bell 29 Wife b. Barrow-in-Furness
Annie Bell 4 Daughter do