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Saturday, 28 January 2012

BARTON ARMS, 9 Leeming Street

9 Leeming Street 
(later became Manchester Road)
1867 - 69      Thomas Earnshaw
1870              Richard Hawkes
THOMAS EARNSHAW  was fined £5 at the
Police Court, for selling beer during illegal hours.
Mr Dunn said the Earnshaw was an ex-policeman, 
and had often set the law at defiance.
Preston Chronicle  21st August 1869
pers. comment:  There was possibly a connection (regarding the name of the house) 
to Thomas Barton Fishwick of the St. Leger, Stoneygate. 
One or more of the sons used just the name 'Barton' on
Licensing Sessions:  Mr. Ascroft said that the applicant had kept the house since 1867, and had been fined four times for Sunday trading, and refusing to admit the police. In August, 1869, he was fined £5 for a breach of the Sunday Act. Police Sergeant Carter said all the convictions were correct. They had to station men to watch, as they had some trouble to detect the house. Mr. Watson gave it as his opinion that there was not sufficient grounds in the offence to justify the Bench in refusing the license. The license was refused.
Preston Herald   September 18th 1869
Preston Chronicle 18th September 1869
Preston Chronicle  24th September 1870                                               The newspaper report didn't say, but it is believed that the licence was granted.

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