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Tuesday, 22 December 2015

ALLIES INN, 16 Vat Street

16 Vat Street / 18 Ashworth Street
(later 34 Vat Street)

1853                     John Campbell
1855 - 1859         Nanny Carter [property owned by George Snape 21.7.1855]
1859                    William Henry Lackabane
1860                    James Gornall
1865                    James Gould               See -
1865                    Henry Lackabane        Preston Chronicle  10th June 1865
1865 - 1869        James Gould    - seen as Henry Lackabane (PH.7.3.1868)
1869 - 1882        Thomas Lackabane
1882 - 1887        John Sisson
1887 - 1891        John Pedder Anderton
1891 - 1892        Joseph Eastham
1892 - 1901        James Page
1901 - 1904        Leonard Wearden
1905                   Josiah Derbyshire
1907 - 1913        Annie Coyle
1917                   Joseph Sumner  - Presumed died in battle 9.10.1918
1918 - 20           Mrs. Sumner
1926/27              Leonora Walmsley
1932 - 1936        Frederick T. Cavanagh
1940                   Thomas Crook
1944 - 45  ?        John Sharples
1945 - 47           Mr. and Mrs. Newton
1957 - 59           Mr. and  Mrs. E. O'Brien
Preston Chronicle 6th August 1853
On 2nd February 1857
LOT 1  ALL that newly erected and well-accustomed INN or PUBLIC-HOUSE
known by the sign of the "ALLIES INN," situate on the west side of Vat-street,
and south side of Ashworth-street, Preston, with the Stable, Brew-house, and other 
out-buildings, now in the occupation of Nanny Carter. This lot is Freehold of inheritance.

Further particulars from George Snape, Beer-seller, Marsh Lane, Preston
Preston Chronicle  24th  January 1857 
Preston Chronicle  24th December 1858
Preston Chronicle  29th January 1859
Preston Chronicle 20th February 1869
Preston Herald  24th April 1869
In December 1870 the licence passed from HENRY LACKABANE to THOMAS LACKABANE.
(See Mine Hosts, above, for different details)
Preston Herald  10th December 1870

Lancashire Evening Post  13th November 1908
 Lancashire Evening Post  2nd December 1920
Lancashire Evening Post  8th February 1938
 Lancashire Evening Post  14th November 1945
 Lancashire Evening Post  3rd May 1947
James Gould             46 years                 Publican                  b. Preston 
Hannah Gould           38                          Wife                       b. Manchester
William Gould           10                           Son                        b. Preston

Thomas Lackabane    31 years               Innkeeper               b. Manchester
Sarah Jane Lackabane 31                       Wife                      b. New Mills, Derbyshire
Elizabeth Lackabane     6                        Daughter                b. Dukenfield
Henry Lackabane         4                        Son                                   do
Mary Lackabane          7 months            Daughter                            do

Thomas Lackabane    42 years             Publican                  b. Beswick
Sarah A. Lackabane   43                      Wife                       b. New Mills, Derbyshire
Elizabeth Lackabane   16                      Daughter                b. Duckinfield
Henry Lackabane        14                     Son                                  do
May Lackabane          10                     Daughter                           do
Elizabeth Pearson        70                     Mother-in-law        b. Peak Forest

John P. Anderton        31 years           Licensed Victualler   b. Preston
Elizabeth P. Anderton  33                    Wife                                do
Peter Chatburn            18                    Stepson                           do
James P. Anderton      12                    Son                                  do
George P. Anderton    10                    Son                                  do

James Page                 47 years           Publican                   b. Bedford
Elizabeth Page             48                    Wife                        b. Preston

Annie Coyle                47 years           Publican                        b. Preston
Elizabeth Annie Coyle  14                   Daughter / Doffer           b. New Bedford , USA.
Mary Ellen Leigh         48                    Sister / Housekeeper     b. Preston
Christina Leigh            42                    Sister / Cotton Weaver           do
Margaret Leigh           40                    Sister / Cotton Weaver           do