Over the years this hotel has been known by a number of names. I strongly suspect that, particularly in the 19th century, it's name was changed in an attempt to blur the poor reputation it had earned, some of which is recorded here. It began its life as the ALBION HOTEL, later becoming the IMPERIAL HOTEL, and eventually the ROYAL HOTEL. I have even found a record of it being called the "GLASS BARREL HOTEL" between 1879 and 1881. In a court case reported in the Preston Chronicle dated 20th August 1881, it said "Mary Cogan was charged with having broken a window in the Glass Barrel Hotel, Church Street, doing damage to the amount of 3s 8d" Perhaps the breaking of windows was not an uncommon event at the hotel, hence the (colloquial) name?
In a legal document of 1830 there was still no mention of 'hotel', although there was a reference to there being a 'brew-house' to the rear. Other documents leading up to this one, and including this one, refer to the building as a "mansion." The Grimshaw family, and Thomas Batty Addison have both featured in its ownership.
As the 'Albion'
1832 - 35 William Smith
1835 Mr. Livingstone (Albion and Commercial Inn)
1836 - 38 James Newsham (Coach Proprietor)
1838 Charles FrancisWorthington (He went to the Victoria and Railway hotel on 27-10-1838
c1838 - 1854 John Whittaker - 30 years of age in 1841, but see
'John Whittaker's Dividend' below.
I'm not convinced that there weren't two John W's. Son,
then father, after the former became insolvent.
I'm not convinced that there weren't two John W's. Son,
then father, after the former became insolvent.
As the 'Imperial'
1857 - 60 Robert Carter
1860 John Bramwell
As the 'Royal'
1860 John Bramwell
1861 John Bannister
1863 - 75 William Wallin - Property owned by Peter Catterall.
1877 - 79 Mrs Jane Wallin [d. 17.3.1885 aged 62 years]
1879 - 82 Adam Blackburn [It was during this mans tenure that
it was known as the 'Glass Barrel']
1882 - 87 Henry Houghton
1887 William Dewhurst d. 1894 at the 'Mariner's Home'
1888 - 98 William Preston
1898 John Wild [owner until at least 1900. He paid £4,250 for it]
1898 William Edmund Burke
1899 - 1901 Joseph Trevor Thornton
1901 - 03 Robert Taylor
1901 - 03 Robert Taylor
1907 - 10 John Robert Whitehead
1915 Joseph Pitchford [Property bought by Pitchford, a Wine and
spirit merchant who live in Mount Cromwell Road, Fulwood].
Our anticipations of last week that the election of members to serve in parliament for this borough would be made without a contest, have not been realised; for there are already four candidates who are likely to stand the issue of a poll.
On Monday evening, a number of persons met at Smith's, the Albion Hotel, in pursuance of a circular, requesting the attendance of the respective parties to whom such document was addressed, to concert measures for securing the return of a member favourable to reform. After some discussion it was resolved that a deputation should proceed to Blackburn, to wait upon Dr. Bowring, requesting him to transfer his tender of services to Preston, in the event of his not being confident of success in that borough, and if otherwise, to ascertain whether he could recommend to them a man on whom they could depend on as a staunch reformer.
Dr, Bowring thanked the deputation for the honour done him in the warmest terms, and replied, as we understand, that so confident did his friends express themselves, and so confident did he feel himself of his success in Blackburn, that he must decline complying with the requisition himself; but he could strongly recommend his excellent friend Col. Thompson (Editor of the Westminster Review, and author of the pamphlet entitled "Catechism on the Corn Laws,") as a man who in all respects they would find to be an active, intelligent, and uncompromising reformer.
Preston Chronicle 3rd January 1831
Tenders his grateful acknowledgements to his numerous customers, for the favours bestowed upon him during the TEN YEARS he has occupied the SWAN INN, New Street, and begs respectfully to inform them, and the public generally, that he has removed to that large and commodious house, now called the ALBION & COMMERCIAL INN, situated opposite the Old Church in Preston, where, by strict attention to the comforts of his guests, and by carefully selecting the very best articles for their consumption, he hopes to merit a share of their future patronage.
Preston Chronicle 6th December 1832
DEATH - On Monday last, aged 5 years and
8 months, Edward, the eldest son of Mr. James
Newsham, of Avenham Road, coach proprietor.
MARRIAGE: On Monday last, at our Parish Church,
by the Rev. R. Carus Wilson, M.A. vicar, (having
previously married at the Catholic Chapel,)
Mr. Joseph Sergeson, of Liverpool, to Miss Alice Smith,
youngest daughter of Mr. William Smith, Albion and
Commercial Hotel, Church Street.
Preston Chronicle 4th October 1834
Preston Chronicle 14th February 1835
May have had nothing to do with the inn.
Preston Chronicle 27th April 1833
*DEATH - On Monday last, aged 5 years and
8 months, Edward, the eldest son of Mr. James
Newsham, of Avenham Road, coach proprietor.
Preston Chronicle 6th September 1834
MARRIAGE: On Monday last, at our Parish Church,
by the Rev. R. Carus Wilson, M.A. vicar, (having
previously married at the Catholic Chapel,)
Mr. Joseph Sergeson, of Liverpool, to Miss Alice Smith,
youngest daughter of Mr. William Smith, Albion and
Commercial Hotel, Church Street.
Preston Chronicle 4th October 1834
A case of riotous behaviour at the Albion Hotel................At about seven o'clock in the evening, a very numerous and riotous body of men went to that inn, and commenced an attack upon it with bludgeons, iron bars, and other weapons. The door was closed, but they broke in and destroyed everything that lay within their reach - furniture, windows, doors, &c. They even went further; they ransacked the drawers of the fixtures &c., and threw the whole of the combustible articles they found in them upon the bar fire. The rioters had previously declared that they would pull the house down. While the work of the destruction was going on, the chief constable, with a considerable number of special constables, came up, and by persuasion, and the appearance of the force he brought with him, succeeded in inducing them to desist.
William Caton, a mechanic, of High Street, said that he had been standing outside the Grey Horse public house (Church Street) at about 7 o'clock on the evening in question, when he saw a number of men come out, and meet others who were waiting in the street, and they distinctly said "We'll go and pull down the Albion and destroy it." They had bonnets, blue and yellow mixed together. They had no colours that he saw, but they brought some red colours back with them from the Albion - not their own. There were about fifty of them together talking. They said, "We'll pull the Albion down; we'll pull the windows out", &c. They were men with caps and bludgeons that led them off. He went after them. Saw many of them 'thrutching' at the door, and many of them go in.
The chief constable took a body of about 80 special constables with him.
Mr. Birchall, for the defence, submitted that the whole was only an electioneering row - provoked by speeches made at the house, and contended that the parties accused had merely gone in revenge, for the taking away of one of their colours. The landlord had got himself mixed up with a party; he had become a partisan.
Preston Chronicle 28th March 1835
*Preston Chronicle 30th April 1836
Blackburn Standard 25th April 1838
This could be good evidence that Whittaker was offering musical (and possibly other) entertainment in 1838.
Preston Chronicle 3rd November 1838
Blackburn Standard 23rd October 1839
Charles Francis Worthington, formerly of the Albion Hotel, Church Street, Preston, licensed victualler; and late of the Victoria and Railway Hotel, Fishergate, formerly innkeeper and licensed to let post-horses and carriages for hire; and late out of business.
Blackburn Standard 17th May 1854
Bolton Chronicle 20th May 1854
Preston Chronicle 31st May 1856
Will be held THIS EVENING (Saturday) in the large room of the Imperial (late Albion) Hotel, Church Street, when Sir GEO. STRICKLAND will address them. The Chair will be taken at 6 o'clock PM.
Preston Chronicle 21st March 1857
Robert Carter, "mine host" of the Imperial Hotel, Church Street, was summoned to answer a charge of resisting the police, and of abusive language.
The defendant entered the dock with an air of the most admirable carelessness. PS. Cunningham said that on Tuesday morning last, at ten minutes to one o'clock, that he went to the defendant's public house. In the vault there were four men with four glasses, containing ale. He went through the vaults along with another officer up a passage to the kitchen, where he found two men, one of whom began to be abusive with his tongue.
The landlord had followed, and placing himself in a doorway said, "What do you want here? What the hell do you want here? You have no business to examine my house. Damn you, you are always here" The defendant then said, "If you're not out of this, and goddam soon, I'll kick you out. What do you visit my house more than other people for?"
He carried on his noise, and as I was leaving the house he called out after me, "I don't care a damn neither for you, nor those that sent you. Spell that"
The police officer said, "I have visited the defendant's house nearly every night for the last three weeks. It is likely that the defendant will feel a little irritated. I did not find anything on those occasions to bring before the magistrates. The officer was asked if it was his duty to visit the public houses on the west side of the church as well as on the north side, and he said, "Yes" He was then asked how many times he had visited those houses within the last three weeks, and he said "Not at all". The defence suggested that the reason for that was that he dare not. The officer replied, "Oh, yes, I dare, and I have done." Mr. Watson, for the defence asked, "When?" and he replied "Not lately." He was asked why, and he replied, "I haven't heard any noise there." Mr Watson asked, "Did you listen for a noise?" and the officer said, "No, I can't say I have."
Mr. Watson then contended that Carter's language did not amount to the resistance complained of in the summons.
The Magistrates asked Mr Watson if he would promise that his client should behave better in the future, and pay the costs of the case. He said he would. The defendant then tried to speak, but Mr. Watson said to him, "LISTEN AND DON'T SPEAK." The defendant then paid the costs and left the court.
Mary Cogan was charged with having broken a
window at the Glass Barrel Hotel, Church Street,
doing damage to the value of 3s. 8d.
P.C. Ash proved the case.
She was fined 2s. 6d and costs, and to pay for the
damage. Seven days imprisonment in default.
Preston Chronicle 20th August 1881
Preston Chronicle 8th October 1887
Lancaster Gazette 27th January 1892
Northern Daily Telegraph 5th March 1892
Preston Herald 3rd May 1899
Preston Herald 16th November 1901
Lancashire Evening Post 26th August 1902
Lancashire Evening Post 23rd September 1902
Preston Herald 22nd July 1903
*It is probable that Thomas Greenall was the landlord here between 1903 and 1907;
Preston Chronicle 3rd November 1838
Blackburn Standard 23rd October 1839
Charles Francis Worthington, formerly of the Albion Hotel, Church Street, Preston, licensed victualler; and late of the Victoria and Railway Hotel, Fishergate, formerly innkeeper and licensed to let post-horses and carriages for hire; and late out of business.
Preston Chronicle 31st October 1840
Preston Chronicle 20th November 1841
At the Town Hall, yesterday, two men named John
Wallbank and John Whittaker were charged before
James Mounsey Esq., with having stolen three
barrels, the property of Mr. Whittaker, who was the
landlord of the Albion public-house.
He had made an assignment of all his effects to
assignees, for the benefit of all his creditors, six or
seven weeks since. Twenty-one barrels, part of his
effects, had been removed just previously to the
The assignees, having learned where the barrels
were deposited, they went, and gave orders that they
were not to be delivered up to anyone. Whittaker
subsequently went with Wallbank, and obtained
three of the barrels, and disposed of them.
They both found bail to answer the charge at
the Sessions.
The following is the report submitted by (I think) the Head of Preston Prison, and a member of the clergy, in their efforts to address the low-class entertainment on offer at the time:Preston Chronicle 20th November 1841
At the Town Hall, yesterday, two men named John
Wallbank and John Whittaker were charged before
James Mounsey Esq., with having stolen three
barrels, the property of Mr. Whittaker, who was the
landlord of the Albion public-house.
He had made an assignment of all his effects to
assignees, for the benefit of all his creditors, six or
seven weeks since. Twenty-one barrels, part of his
effects, had been removed just previously to the
The assignees, having learned where the barrels
were deposited, they went, and gave orders that they
were not to be delivered up to anyone. Whittaker
subsequently went with Wallbank, and obtained
three of the barrels, and disposed of them.
They both found bail to answer the charge at
the Sessions.
Preston Chronicle 24th December 1841
DEATH - On the 2nd November 1840, William, infant son of
John Whittaker, Albion Hotel, Church Street, aged 22 months.
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Preston Chronicle 21st May 1842 |
It's likely that there was a father and son, both called John. It was quite a common custom for names to be repeated through the generations, occasionally causing a lot of confusion for family historians.
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Preston Chronicle 25th June 1842 |
DEATH -On 25th September 1845, aged 9 years, Nanny, daughter of Mr. Whittaker, of the Albion Inn, Church Street.
Preston Chronicle 27th September 1845
*Preston Chronicle 27th September 1845
Blackburn Standard 17th May 1854
Bolton Chronicle 20th May 1854
Preston Chronicle 31st May 1856
Will be held THIS EVENING (Saturday) in the large room of the Imperial (late Albion) Hotel, Church Street, when Sir GEO. STRICKLAND will address them. The Chair will be taken at 6 o'clock PM.
Preston Chronicle 21st March 1857
Robert Carter, "mine host" of the Imperial Hotel, Church Street, was summoned to answer a charge of resisting the police, and of abusive language.
The defendant entered the dock with an air of the most admirable carelessness. PS. Cunningham said that on Tuesday morning last, at ten minutes to one o'clock, that he went to the defendant's public house. In the vault there were four men with four glasses, containing ale. He went through the vaults along with another officer up a passage to the kitchen, where he found two men, one of whom began to be abusive with his tongue.
The landlord had followed, and placing himself in a doorway said, "What do you want here? What the hell do you want here? You have no business to examine my house. Damn you, you are always here" The defendant then said, "If you're not out of this, and goddam soon, I'll kick you out. What do you visit my house more than other people for?"
He carried on his noise, and as I was leaving the house he called out after me, "I don't care a damn neither for you, nor those that sent you. Spell that"
The police officer said, "I have visited the defendant's house nearly every night for the last three weeks. It is likely that the defendant will feel a little irritated. I did not find anything on those occasions to bring before the magistrates. The officer was asked if it was his duty to visit the public houses on the west side of the church as well as on the north side, and he said, "Yes" He was then asked how many times he had visited those houses within the last three weeks, and he said "Not at all". The defence suggested that the reason for that was that he dare not. The officer replied, "Oh, yes, I dare, and I have done." Mr. Watson, for the defence asked, "When?" and he replied "Not lately." He was asked why, and he replied, "I haven't heard any noise there." Mr Watson asked, "Did you listen for a noise?" and the officer said, "No, I can't say I have."
Mr. Watson then contended that Carter's language did not amount to the resistance complained of in the summons.
The Magistrates asked Mr Watson if he would promise that his client should behave better in the future, and pay the costs of the case. He said he would. The defendant then tried to speak, but Mr. Watson said to him, "LISTEN AND DON'T SPEAK." The defendant then paid the costs and left the court.
Preston Chronicle 1st May 1858
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This is the first mention of "Royal Hotel" that I have come across. |
Preston Chronicle 10th January 1863
Preston Herald 5th September 1863
Preston Herald 22nd February 1864
Preston Chronicle 1st September 1866
In 1870, this hotel had a reputation as a 'resort of prostitutes', but at the Licensing Sessions in September 1870, William Walley and Elizabeth Walley, were, after being cautioned, granted a licence, without the hotel being named in the paper.
[Note the different spelling - particularly after they had been so long at the premises. Either the reported mis-heard the name in court, or, as was often the case, had changed it to cause a little confusion].
[Note the different spelling - particularly after they had been so long at the premises. Either the reported mis-heard the name in court, or, as was often the case, had changed it to cause a little confusion].
MEETING OF MASTER SMITHS - On Wednesday evening, a meeting
of master blacksmiths was held at Mr. Wallin's Royal Hotel, Church Street, to consult on the increase of the price of work done both in the shoeing and jobbing departments according to the increased price of iron and coals. Mr. Blackburn was chairman, and Mr. Wallin vice-chairman. It was resolved that the following increased prices be charged for shoeing - Hunters, 4s 6d., carriage horses 4s., heavy horses 4s 6d., cart horses 4s., farmers', butchers', bakers', and grocers' horses 3s 6d., and all horses under 14 hands 3s., and that a number of bills with the above prices be printed and circulated in the different blacksmiths' shops and posted in the town. It was also resolved that another meeting be held next Wednesday evening, and that a committee of five smiths be chosen to go to the workshops and announce to those smiths who had not been present the decision of the meeting.
Preston Chronicle 11th May 1872
Preston Guardian 12th January 1878
Preston Guardian February 2nd 1879
WANTED, Lady PIANIST and VOCALIST, to open at once. Must be good, and able to read. State salary expected, to live on the premises. Apply, Mr. A BLACKBURN, Royal Hotel, Preston.
The Era 25th May 1879
Mary Cogan was charged with having broken a
window at the Glass Barrel Hotel, Church Street,
doing damage to the value of 3s. 8d.
P.C. Ash proved the case.
She was fined 2s. 6d and costs, and to pay for the
damage. Seven days imprisonment in default.
Preston Chronicle 20th August 1881
Preston Chronicle 8th October 1887
Lancaster Gazette 27th January 1892
Northern Daily Telegraph 5th March 1892
Preston Herald 3rd May 1899
Preston Herald 16th November 1901
Lancashire Evening Post 26th August 1902
Lancashire Evening Post 23rd September 1902
Preston Herald 22nd July 1903
*It is probable that Thomas Greenall was the landlord here between 1903 and 1907;
either for the whole of the time, or some part of it.
Thanks to Jon Bennett, a descendant of Greenall.
Preston Herald 23rd October 1909
Preston Herald 25th November 1911
Preston Herald 23rd October 1909
Preston Herald 25th November 1911
John Whittaker 30 years Publican
Ann Whittaker 30 Wife
Ann Whittaker 6 Daughter
Mary Whittaker 4 Daughter
Alice Whittaker 1 Daughter
William Whittaker 17 Man servant
John Johnson 25 do
George Withington? 20 do (possibly Worthington )
Mary Tattersall 30 Female servant
Sarah Rider? 15 do
John Whittaker 40 years Lic. Vict. b. Belmont
Ann Whittaker 41 Wife b. Rishton
Mary Whittaker 14 Daughter b. Blackburn
Alice Whittaker 10 Daughter b. Preston
John Blanchard 20 Vocalist b. Manchester
Thomas Wilson 25 Vocalist b. London
Jane Wilson 21 Wife of Thomas / Vocalist do
James Boiler 16 Scholar do
James Catterall 19 Musician b. Preston
Richard Woodhouse 42 Brewer / Servant do
Joseph Parson 32 Carpenter / Servant do
Edward Mellicks? 35 Painter / Servant do
John Bannister 28 years Victualler b. Ashton
Ellen Bannister 28 Wife b. Walton-le-Dale
Ann Marshall Bannister 1 Daughter b. Preston
Mary Alice Bannister 3 weeks Daughter do
William Wallin 44 years Lic. Vict. b. Preston
Jane Wallin 47 Wife b. Isle of Man
William Whittaker 17 Man servant
John Johnson 25 do
George Withington? 20 do (possibly Worthington )
Mary Tattersall 30 Female servant
Sarah Rider? 15 do
John Whittaker 40 years Lic. Vict. b. Belmont
Ann Whittaker 41 Wife b. Rishton
Mary Whittaker 14 Daughter b. Blackburn
Alice Whittaker 10 Daughter b. Preston
John Blanchard 20 Vocalist b. Manchester
Thomas Wilson 25 Vocalist b. London
Jane Wilson 21 Wife of Thomas / Vocalist do
James Boiler 16 Scholar do
James Catterall 19 Musician b. Preston
Richard Woodhouse 42 Brewer / Servant do
Joseph Parson 32 Carpenter / Servant do
Edward Mellicks? 35 Painter / Servant do
John Bannister 28 years Victualler b. Ashton
Ellen Bannister 28 Wife b. Walton-le-Dale
Ann Marshall Bannister 1 Daughter b. Preston
Mary Alice Bannister 3 weeks Daughter do
William Wallin 44 years Lic. Vict. b. Preston
Jane Wallin 47 Wife b. Isle of Man
Formerly Mrs. Simon Yates at the Grey Horse, Church Street.
Jane Wallin 8 Daughter b. Preston
James Wallin 6 Son do
Eleanor Wallin 5 Daughter do
Margaret Ann Wallin 3 Daughter do
Joseph Yates 25 Step-son do
William Thomas Yates 14 Step-son do
John Wallin 65 Father b. Ireland
Henry Houghton 34 years Licensed Victualler b. Preston
Betsy Houghton 32 Wife do
Thomas Houghton 5 Son do
William Houghton 2 Son do
William Preston 39 years Proprietor b. Preston
Elizabeth Preston 34 Wife do
Alice Preston 9 Daughter do
William Preston 7 Son do
John Preston 4 Son do
Betty Preston 2 Daughter do
Marina E. Preston 1 Daughter do
Joseph T. Thornton 30 years Manager of P.H. b. Preston
Alice Thornton 29 Wife b. Woodplumpton
John Robert Whitehead 37 years Publican b. Shaw, Lancs
Florence Annie Whitehead 39 Wife, Assistant do
Margaret Elizabeth Lupton 40 Sister (in-law?) do
Mary Ann Lupton 75 Mother (in-law?) do
Jane Wallin 8 Daughter b. Preston
James Wallin 6 Son do
Eleanor Wallin 5 Daughter do
Margaret Ann Wallin 3 Daughter do
Joseph Yates 25 Step-son do
William Thomas Yates 14 Step-son do
John Wallin 65 Father b. Ireland
Henry Houghton 34 years Licensed Victualler b. Preston
Betsy Houghton 32 Wife do
Thomas Houghton 5 Son do
William Houghton 2 Son do
William Preston 39 years Proprietor b. Preston
Elizabeth Preston 34 Wife do
Alice Preston 9 Daughter do
William Preston 7 Son do
John Preston 4 Son do
Betty Preston 2 Daughter do
Marina E. Preston 1 Daughter do
Joseph T. Thornton 30 years Manager of P.H. b. Preston
Alice Thornton 29 Wife b. Woodplumpton
John Robert Whitehead 37 years Publican b. Shaw, Lancs
Florence Annie Whitehead 39 Wife, Assistant do
Margaret Elizabeth Lupton 40 Sister (in-law?) do
Mary Ann Lupton 75 Mother (in-law?) do
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