303 (later 24) North Road
1836 See the advert "TO LET" below.
1838 - 39 John Atkinson
1841 Robert Atkinson - no gap between John and Robert, but no definite dates.
1841 John Atkinson
1845 Edward Hinde came from the "Five Barred Gate Inn" Salmesbury.
1845 Edward Hinde came from the "Five Barred Gate Inn" Salmesbury.
1849 - 54 Thomas Bibby (Could have been Richard Bibby - see 1851 Census)
John Ayrton
1858 - 59 Joseph Perkins Hinde
1859 William Hopson
1861 - 66 John Hobson - In 1861 property owned by Mr. & Mrs. Humber.
1866 - 71 Thomas Bennett
1871 Thomas? John Whittle
1873 James A. Tomlinson
1877 Peter Forrest d. 1877
1877 - 78 Amelia Forrest
1879 Thomas Whittle
1879 Thomas Whittle
1879 - 80 Moses Lutener
1880 - 91 Ann Quigley - went to live in Spring Gardens.
1892 - 94 William Edward Horsfield -1893 owned by Nathan Mather, New Cock Yard, Lic. Vict
1894 - 95 Richard Turner
1895 - 98 James Tydd Whitby
1898 - 1901 John Joseph Melling
1904 Thomas Pinder
1906 James Brown
1906 James Brown
1907 Frederick Price
1909 - 10 James Camp(e)y - Was at the Derby Arms, Lord Street, in 1911 Census.
1910 - 11 John Thomas Phillips had been at the Spread Eagle, Lune Street.
1910 - 11 John Thomas Phillips had been at the Spread Eagle, Lune Street.
1913 Edward Mutch
1917 Charles Simpson
1924 William Eagles
It is possible that at some point during the period 1924 - 31, this house was run by Stanley Eteson.
1924 William Eagles
It is possible that at some point during the period 1924 - 31, this house was run by Stanley Eteson.
1931 - 36 Thomas Pollon Elam
1940 - 44 Albert Hall
With Immediate Possession
ALL that well-accustomed INN or PUBLIC-HOUSE,
known by the sign of the SIR WALTER SCOTT, in
North Road, Preston, with excellent Stabling, lock-up
Coach-house, &c.
Further particulars apply to Mr. James Dandy, Fulwood,
or to the present tenant.
Preston Chronicle 14th May 1836
Carlisle Patriot 28th May 1842
Preston Chronicle 18th March 1843
Preston Chronicle 10th June 1843
Preston Chronicle 22nd February 1845
Preston Chronicle 13th January 1849
Preston Chronicle 26th May 1849
On Thursday last, a match at quoits which created considerable sensation, was played in the yard attached to the Sir Walter Scott, between Mr. T. Nightingale of the Bee Hive Inn, Preston, and Mr. T. Worswick of Chorley.
There was a large congregation of spectators. The stake was £10 a side, and the game was 61, Mr. Nightingale allowing his antagonist 21.
After some splendid playing, Worswick was declared the winner, having only, however, the small majority of three.
Preston Chronicle 3rd January 1852
Preston Chronicle 16th April 1853
MR. S. BANISTER -- Yesterday, at the Sir Walter Scott Inn, a valedictory dinner was given by members of the police to Mr. BANISTER, the Superintendent, his connection with them terminated on the 1st inst. About 29 officers were present. Dinner over, Mr. Inspector Rigby presented to Mr. BANISTER, in he name of the force, a handsome patent lever watch and gold guard. The watch bore the inscription, "Presented to Mr. S. BANISTER, on his retiring into private life, by the members of the Preston Borough Police Force, as a token of their respect for his unvarying kindness during the eighteen years he was Chief Constable of the Borough. 1st September 1853." Mr. Banister acknowledged the kindness and good feeling of the men in an appropriate address. Speeches, toasts, and songs then alternated in a most harmonious manner, and a pleasant afternoon was spent.
Preston Chronicle 3rd September 1853
Carlisle Patriot 28th May 1842
Preston Chronicle 18th March 1843
Preston Chronicle 10th June 1843
![]() |
Preston Chronicle 15th February 1845 |
Preston Chronicle 22nd February 1845
Preston Chronicle 13th January 1849
Preston Chronicle 26th May 1849
On Thursday last, a match at quoits which created considerable sensation, was played in the yard attached to the Sir Walter Scott, between Mr. T. Nightingale of the Bee Hive Inn, Preston, and Mr. T. Worswick of Chorley.
There was a large congregation of spectators. The stake was £10 a side, and the game was 61, Mr. Nightingale allowing his antagonist 21.
After some splendid playing, Worswick was declared the winner, having only, however, the small majority of three.
Preston Chronicle 3rd January 1852
Preston Chronicle 16th April 1853
MR. S. BANISTER -- Yesterday, at the Sir Walter Scott Inn, a valedictory dinner was given by members of the police to Mr. BANISTER, the Superintendent, his connection with them terminated on the 1st inst. About 29 officers were present. Dinner over, Mr. Inspector Rigby presented to Mr. BANISTER, in he name of the force, a handsome patent lever watch and gold guard. The watch bore the inscription, "Presented to Mr. S. BANISTER, on his retiring into private life, by the members of the Preston Borough Police Force, as a token of their respect for his unvarying kindness during the eighteen years he was Chief Constable of the Borough. 1st September 1853." Mr. Banister acknowledged the kindness and good feeling of the men in an appropriate address. Speeches, toasts, and songs then alternated in a most harmonious manner, and a pleasant afternoon was spent.
Preston Chronicle 3rd September 1853
Thanks Friends and Public generally, then:-
Thomas Bibby also begs to offer his best thanks to the
cattle dealers and farmers who have attended the market
held at his commodious yard, and respectfully wishes to
intimate to breeders of stock and others, that the market,
which has now been established a period extending over
eighteen years, will continue to be held every Saturday,
at the usual hours.
Prime WINES and SPIRITS, and Home-brewed ALE
constantly kept.
Preston Chronicle 10th September 1853
After the new Police Station and
Magistrates Court had been opened
in Earl Street, an excellent dinner
was provided for the members of
the Borough Police Force, at the
Sir Walter Scott Inn, North Road.
The proceedings were kept up with
great hilarity until about 12 o'clock.
Preston Chronicle 8th May 1858
PEDESTRIANISM - Yesterday at Copenhagen Ground, Newton Heath, near Manchester, a match, in which the sporting community of this district were much interested, came off. Mr. Hinde of the Sir Walter Scott Inn, in this town, had bet Michael Burns, a lamplighter, residing in Preston, but better known among his sporting friends by the soubriquet of "Paddy of Penwortham," £50 to £30 that the latter would not run eleven miles within the hour. Paddy comments Ed his arduous feat between three and four o'clock in the afternoon. To make the distance, he had to go thirty-one times round (less ten yards) the Copenhagen course. He lost by five seconds. The feat was so nearly accomplished that many were under the impression that Paddy was the winner, but both the umpires decided against him. There was a RVconsiderable attendance on the ground, and much money changed hands, the betting being generally 6 to 4 on time.
Preston Chronicle 15th May 1858
PEDESTRIANISM - Yesterday at Copenhagen Ground, Newton Heath, near Manchester, a match, in which the sporting community of this district were much interested, came off. Mr. Hinde of the Sir Walter Scott Inn, in this town, had bet Michael Burns, a lamplighter, residing in Preston, but better known among his sporting friends by the soubriquet of "Paddy of Penwortham," £50 to £30 that the latter would not run eleven miles within the hour. Paddy comments Ed his arduous feat between three and four o'clock in the afternoon. To make the distance, he had to go thirty-one times round (less ten yards) the Copenhagen course. He lost by five seconds. The feat was so nearly accomplished that many were under the impression that Paddy was the winner, but both the umpires decided against him. There was a RVconsiderable attendance on the ground, and much money changed hands, the betting being generally 6 to 4 on time.
Preston Chronicle 15th May 1858
Preston Chronicle 2nd April 1859
Mr. and Mrs. John Humber, owners
of the Sir Walter Scott Inn and the
adjoining Cattle Market, drew up a
petition to oppose the proposal that
the Corporation were drawing up
plans to create a cattle market in the
Chadwick's Orchard area.
Preston Chronicle 9th March 1861
Preston Chronicle 14th January 1865
Preston Herald 2nd December 1865
On the 16th July 1879 there was
a meeting of the creditors of
of the Sir Walter Scott Inn,
North Road.
Preston Chronicle 19th July 1879
Begs to intimate to his numerous friends and the public generally that he has entered upon the above old-established Inn, and hopes, by a strict attention to the comfort of his guests and keeping a first-class article, to received a share of public support.
Preston Chronicle 8th November 1879
Preston Illustrated News 23rd May 1874
Preston Chronicle 28th June 1879
North Road, Preston.
Immediate possession. In-going low.
Apply - Pole Street Brewery, Preston.
Preston Chronicle 10th July 1880
Taken from the P.N.E. Handbook of the 1898 - 99 Season
James Brown, licensee of the Sir Walter Scott Inn, was yesterday, at Preston, fined £5 and costs for permitting gambling - a card sweep - on his premises. The defence was that playing was only for amusement and not for profit, and the defending solicitor remarked on the chances of the well-to-do to play bridge without let or hindrance.
Manchester Courier 11th January 1906
Under County Court Execution.
MR. E.J.REED will SELL by AUCTION, on FRIDAY NEXT, December 16th, a quantity of WINES, SPIRITS, and BEER, part cask of WHISKY, several dozen bottles of WHISKY, bottled beer and stout, seven barrels of Ale, and other stock: also a quantity of FURNITURE.
SALE AT 10 o'clock a.m. prompt for cash.
Lancashire Evening Post 15th December 1910
John T. PHILLIPS, (Late of the Old Spread Eagle, Lune Street, Preston) has taken over the SIR WALTER SCOTT INN, NORTH ROAD, PRESTON.
Three Leading Lines
Welcome Old friends and New
Lancashire Evening Post 24th December 1910
On Sale, tow PIANOS, Bass Violin, Cornet, Trombone, Trumpet and Violin; all English makers - Apply Sir Walter Scott Inn, North Road, Preston.
Preston Herald 29th April 1916
No evidence for the prosecution was offered at Preston Sessions yesterday, in the case in which Albert Hall (43), late licensee at the Sir Walter Scott Inn, North Road, Preston, pleaded not guilty to three charges alleging the receiving of stolen coal.
The Chairman (Mr. J. Catterall Jolly I.C.), instructed the jury to bring in a formal verdict of not guilty, and Mr. Hall was discharged.
Mr. Jolly said he quite agreed with Mr. T.E.Hinchcliffe, prosecuting counsel, that the case was "too thin" to justify putting Hall on his trial. The formal acquittal was quite as conclusive, however, as it would have been had the jury returned their verdict after hearing the evidence.
Lancashire Evening Post 16th April 1942
Taken from the P.N.E. Handbook of the 1898 - 99 Season
James Brown, licensee of the Sir Walter Scott Inn, was yesterday, at Preston, fined £5 and costs for permitting gambling - a card sweep - on his premises. The defence was that playing was only for amusement and not for profit, and the defending solicitor remarked on the chances of the well-to-do to play bridge without let or hindrance.
Manchester Courier 11th January 1906
Under County Court Execution.
MR. E.J.REED will SELL by AUCTION, on FRIDAY NEXT, December 16th, a quantity of WINES, SPIRITS, and BEER, part cask of WHISKY, several dozen bottles of WHISKY, bottled beer and stout, seven barrels of Ale, and other stock: also a quantity of FURNITURE.
SALE AT 10 o'clock a.m. prompt for cash.
Lancashire Evening Post 15th December 1910
John T. PHILLIPS, (Late of the Old Spread Eagle, Lune Street, Preston) has taken over the SIR WALTER SCOTT INN, NORTH ROAD, PRESTON.
Three Leading Lines
Welcome Old friends and New
Lancashire Evening Post 24th December 1910
On Sale, tow PIANOS, Bass Violin, Cornet, Trombone, Trumpet and Violin; all English makers - Apply Sir Walter Scott Inn, North Road, Preston.
Preston Herald 29th April 1916
No evidence for the prosecution was offered at Preston Sessions yesterday, in the case in which Albert Hall (43), late licensee at the Sir Walter Scott Inn, North Road, Preston, pleaded not guilty to three charges alleging the receiving of stolen coal.
The Chairman (Mr. J. Catterall Jolly I.C.), instructed the jury to bring in a formal verdict of not guilty, and Mr. Hall was discharged.
Mr. Jolly said he quite agreed with Mr. T.E.Hinchcliffe, prosecuting counsel, that the case was "too thin" to justify putting Hall on his trial. The formal acquittal was quite as conclusive, however, as it would have been had the jury returned their verdict after hearing the evidence.
Lancashire Evening Post 16th April 1942
Robert Atkinson 25 years Publican b. Westmoreland
Mary Atkinson 30 Sister
William Atkinson 20 Brother / Butcher
Thomas Atkinson 15 Brother/ Brewer
James Atkinson 11 Broth b. Lancashire Mary Atkinson 50 Mother ?
Richard Bibby 44 years Gentleman (Innkeeper) b. Walton
Jane Bibby 53 Wife b. Chipping
Thomas Bibby 26 Son / Innkeeper b. Walton
Sarah Robinson 26 Servant b. Chipping
Richard Bibby 44 years Gentleman (Innkeeper) b. Walton
Jane Bibby 53 Wife b. Chipping
Thomas Bibby 26 Son / Innkeeper b. Walton
Sarah Robinson 26 Servant b. Chipping
John Hobson 33 years Innkeeper b. Manchester
Elizabeth Hobson 40 Wife do
John Whittle 26 years Innkeeper b. Dorchester
Alice Whittle 24 Wife b. Haighton
William James Whittle 9 months Son b. Preston
Ann Quigley 37 years Public House Keeper b. Bamber Bridge
William Quigley 19 Son b. Preston
George Quigley 17 Son do
Mary Ann Quigley 12 Daughter do
John Quigley 11 Son do
Ann Quigley 45 years Lic. Vict. b. Preston
Mary A. Quigley 21 Daughter do
Sarah A. Quigley 8 Daughter do
John Quigley 5 Son do
John Joseph Melling 34 years Lic. Vict. b. Preston
Mary Jane Melling 33 Wife b. Millom
Frederick Melling 8 Son b. Preston
John Charles Melling 2 Son do
John Thomas Phillips 43 years Licensed Victualler b. Warslow, Staffs
Sarah Elizabeth Phillips 39 Wife / Housekeeper b. Burnley
Laura Phillips 15 Daughter b. Padiham
John Phillips 8 Son do
Leo Phillips 6 Son do
William Phillips 4 Son do
John Thomas Phillips 43 years Licensed Victualler b. Warslow, Staffs
Sarah Elizabeth Phillips 39 Wife / Housekeeper b. Burnley
Laura Phillips 15 Daughter b. Padiham
John Phillips 8 Son do
Leo Phillips 6 Son do
William Phillips 4 Son do
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