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Saturday, 4 February 2012

CHERRY TREE INN, Lancaster Road

33 Lancaster Road / 1 Atkinson Street
- later 197 Lancaster Road
1851 - 61            William Brown
1862                    Thomas Smith
1865                    Thomas Mayor
1869 - 72             Edmund Ashworth
1876                    Thomas Sandiford
1876 - 86             David Moore
1886                    John Metcalfe
1887                    Elizabeth Standing
1887                   William Charnley
1887 - 88            Helen Crookall
1888 - 89            Patrick McGuire
1889 - 91            Joshua Atkins
1891 - 92            Thomas Berry
1892                    Mary Thompson
1892 - 93            Robert Smith
1893 - 96            Thomas Tomlinson
1896 - 97            Thomas Mayor
1897 - 99            Mary Ann Mayor
1899 - 1904        Thomas Tomlinson
1907 - 10            Robert Kirkham
1911 - 13            Elizabeth Rhodes
1917                   Clara Yates
1920                   George Winnard
1926 - 36            John Hall
1940 - 48            Frank Hodgkinson
Preston Chronicle  18th May 1850
Preston Chronicle  8th & 15th January 1862
Preston Chronicle 16th December 1865
TOWN COUNCIL MEETING on 25th January 1877
It was proposed and seconded that the CHERRY TREE beerhouse,
Lancaster Road, be set back to the new line of frontage required to
widen the west side of Lancaster Road; the Corporation to convey to
the owners of the Cherry Tree  property, the house and premises, 
1 Atkinson Street, and to allow the sum of £30 towards the cost of 
setting back and making the alterations to the Cherry Tree - the 
Corporation to be at the expense of paving the land so laid to and
added to the street.
Preston Chronicle  27th January 1877
Preston Chronicle  29th September 1877
William Brown                  64 years                Beerhouse Keeper           b. Clifton
Jane Brown                       54                         Wife                               b. St. Michaels

Edmund Ashworth           44 years                Beerseller                        b. Walton-le-Dale
Mary Ashworth                41                         Wife                                           do

David Moore                   50 years                 Lic. Vict.                         b. Preston
Isabella Moore                 43                          Wife                                       do
William Moore                 19                          Son                                         do
James Moore                   16                          Son                                         do
Elizabeth Moore               12                          Daughter                                 do

Thomas Berry                  39 years                 Lic. Vict.                         b. Kirby Lonsdale
Maria Berry                     38                          Wife                                b. Heywood

Thomas Tomlinson           57 years                 Publican                          b. Euxton
Janie Tomlinson                56                          Wife                               b. Kirkham

Elizabeth Rhodes             49 years widow     Beerhouse Keeper           b. Preston
John Rhodes                   23                          Son / Bricksetter                      do

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