63 (later 241) Fylde Road
This wonderfully evocative photograph from somewhere between 1907 and 1916 comes to us courtesy of a relative of Nicholas Fish. Here is is seen with five of his children, and probably some customer. Thankyou Brenda Ryan.
NOTE the arrow pointing to Nicholas
c. 1839 Thomas Monk
1839 - 45 William Bond
1849 Mrs. Fowler
1851 - 53 John Burgess
1853 - 65 Frederick Booth - See advertisement, below, dated 25.10.1851. Curious? Says that Frederick Booth took over in 1851. Did he put a manager in?
In Oakey's Directory 1853 given as 'Fylde Road Brewery'.
1863 - 65 Alice Booth
1865 - 82 James Schofield
1883 - 1902 Christopher Gregson - Had married Mary Tuson in 1870. She died in 1886, 2 weeks after the birth of their 9th child, Lily.
1902 Hannah Gregson
1904 Executors of Christoper Gregson (still shown as C.G. in 1905 Kelly's Directory, although completely erroneous).
1907 - 16 Nicholas Fish d. 15.4.1916 aged 55. Wife, Josephina d. 1913, aged c.40 yrs
1924 Richard Mayor
1926 - 32 Herbert Botham
1936 - 44 John W. Duce d. 11.12.1944
1945 - 48 John W. and Nellie Botham
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Below you will find the reason why the pub got its' name. |
THOMAS MONK, formerly of Leyland, near Preston,
Farmer and Retail Beerseller, Timber and Hay Dealer;
afterwards of the "Doctor Syntax" Fylde Road, Preston,
Publican; and late of Leyland, a farmer.
Preston Chronicle 13th July 1839
At the Black Bull Inn, Friargate,
on Thursday 7th November 1839
ALL that PUBLIC HOUSE, called the "DOCTOR
SYNTAX," in Fylde Road, Preston, with the Stable,
Brewhouse, and appurtenances belonging; now in the
possession of William Bond as tenant thereof.
The House is well-cellared and comprises 5 Rooms
on the first floor; Club Room and 3 Bed Rooms on the
2nd floor; and 5 Bed Rooms on the 3rd floor; and has
a Stable for 3 Horses, Brewhouse, and Malt Room.
The above premises have been built about three years,
and they are well-adapted for carrying out an extensive
business. The premises are subject to a yearly Ground
Rent of £3 14s 3d, payable to James Pedder Esq., his
heirs and assigns, forever.
Further particulars apply to Mr. Richard Holliday,
the owner.
Preston Chronicle 2nd November 1839
That the Partnership heretofore subsisting between us, the undersigned WILLIAM MARSDEN and WILLIAM BOND, as Stone Masons, Stone Getters, and Contractors, and carried on at Preston and elsewhere, is this day dissolved by mutual consent.
All debts due to and owing by the said concern, will be received and paid by the said William Bond; and all contracts entered into by them will be performed and finished by the said William Bond.
As witness their hands, this second day of November, 1841.
Witness The Mark of
Solicitor, Preston WILLIAM BOND
Preston Chronicle 6th November 1841
LEAD STEALING: The crime of lead stealing seems to be as rife as ever in this town. There is not a week passes, but one or more of these offences are committed.
A large quantity of lead, we are informed, was stolen between the night of Saturday the 29th ult., and Tuesday the 1st inst., from the roof of the public-house called the Doctor Syntax in Water-lane. A large reward has been offered for the apprehension of the depredators.
Preston Chronicle 5th February 1842
At the sign of the Doctor Syntax, Fylde Road, Preston, on Monday, December 1st 1845, the sale to commence precisely at one o'clock in the afternoon.
TWO LURRIES, TWO WOOD CARRIAGES, a number of Broad and Narrow-wheel CARTS, and Seven good Team HORSES, CART GEARS, etc, the property of Mr. W. BOND, who is declining the Carrying Business.
Preston Chronicle 15th November 1845
Mrs. Fowler, the landlady of the Doctor Syntax in Water Lane (erroneous) , summoned a country-woman of the name of Jane Brown, for an assault. It appeared that there had been some misunderstanding between the complainant and the defendant relative to the payment for a barrel of beer, and it terminated by Mrs Brown committing the act complained of. In ordering the defendant to find bail for her future good behaviour, the presiding magistrate animadverted upon the impropriety of giving way to such ebullitions of feeling.
Preston Chronicle 4th August 1849
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Preston Chronicle 25th October 1851 |
TO LET, a five-stall STABLE behind
the "Doctor Syntax" Fylde Road, Preston.
Also a LARGE ROOM, suitable for
storage or workshop. Terms cash.
Apply William Hayhurst, 125 Church Street.
Preston Chronicle 29th August 1874
Taken from the P.N.E. Handbook of the 1898 - 99 Season
Preston Man's Terrible Death.
Mr. John Parker, Coroner, held an inquiry on Saturday evening at the Doctor Syntax, into the circumstances of the scalding fatality which occurred on Friday.
Evidence was given by Hannah Gregson, sister of the deceased, and by Francis Duckett, assistant brewer. The latter stated that the deceased was worse for drink, but appeared as though he could manage, and told the witness to go home. When the witness returned he found the deceased sitting in scalded clothes, and said he had tumbled into the tub.
In reply to the Coroner, Duckett stated that he was of the opinion that the deceased was in a bit of a state to finish brewing when he left.
The jury returned a verdict of "Accidental death," and expressed sympathy with the relatives of the deceased.
Preston Herald 26th February 1902
The name of the person who died is not mentioned. However, I have a note under the 1901 census that says John Gregson met his end in this fashion. Hannah would be his brother.
I'm sure Christopher (father) died in 1902 as well, but I don't yet know when.
Preliminary Announcement
WILL shortly be offered for Sale by Auction, the important LICENSED PREMISES known as the "DOCTOR SYNTAX HOTEL" the business of which has for many years past been successfully carried on by the late Christopher Gregson.
For further particulars apply to Messrs. J. B. Jones and Sons, Auctioneers, Preston; or to
Messrs. W. BANKS and CO, Solicitors, 42 Lune Street, Preston
Preston Herald 10th May 1902
MESSRS. J.B. JONES and SONS, will Sell by Auction, at their SALESROOMS, CHURCH STREET, PRESTON, on THURSDAY the 12th day of June, 1902. at 3 o'clock in the afternoon, subject to the Public Sale Conditions of the Preston Incorporated Law Society and to such Special Conditions as shall then and there be announced.
The Fully-licensed INN or Public-house, called the "DOCTOR SYNTAX," situate in Fylde Road, Preston, aforesaid, with the Brewhouse, Hop-room, Stable (for four horses), Loose Box, Cart Shed, and other Outbuildings belonging thereto, and for many years in the occupation of the late owner, Mr. Christopher Gregson, recently deceased.
The premises occupy a prominent position in the main thoroughfare and in a good neighbourhood, and the house has for many years past done an exceptionally successful business.
The property is Freehold, subject to two-yearly ground rents of £3.14.3d and £1. 0s 3d.
The purchaser will be required to take and purchase at a valuation the wet and dry stock-in-trade on the premises and in bond, and such brewing plant, fixtures, and fittings as shall be specified at the Sale, and such of the furniture as the present occupants will be prepared to leave.
For further particulars apply to the Auctioneers; or to the undersigned, at whose offices the Conditions may be inspected seven days prior to the day of sale.
W. BANKS and CO, Solicitors, 42 Lune Street, Preston, and 16 Birley Street, Blackpool.
Lancashire Evening Post 12th June 1902
At the Auction, bidding reached £5,900, which was below the undeclared reserve price.
In September 1902, it was offered for sale by Private Treaty.
Grace Critchley, 62, was charged with stealing a table cover, the property of Thomas Walmsley, Greenbank Street, coal dealer.
Evidence was given to the effect that the cover was left on the clothes line in the lobby attached to the house on Thursday morning, and missed half an hour later.
Detective McGuire said that he arrested the woman at the Doctor Syntax public house, Fylde Road, on Thursday afternoon. In reply to the charge she said, "I have never seen it."
Preston Herald 27th April 1907
At the North Lancashire Auction Mart, Fishergate, Preston, on Wednesday, Messrs E, J. Reed and Son, auctioneers, disposed of the fully-licensed hotel known as the "Doctor Syntax" Fylde Road, Preston, for £3,750. The property is freehold, but subject to a annual ground rents amounting together to £4. 14s 6d. Messrs Finch, Johnson and Co, Preston and Blackpool were solicitors to the vendor.
Preston Herald 3rd February 1917
Lot 5. TWO PERPETUAL YEARLY RENT CHARGES of £3.14s 3d., and £1. 0s.3d, the former charged upon the Doctor Syntax Hotel, Number 241 (formerly No. 63) Fylde Road, Preston, and the latter charged upon the Brewhouse and Stable behind the last mentioned premises.
Lancashire Evening Post 20th March 1931
DEATH: DUCE - On the 11th inst., JOHN WILLIAM, the beloved husband of NELLIE DUCE, aged 39? years, after long suffering, patiently borne. Doctor Syntax Hotel, 241 Fylde Road, Preston.
Enquiries: J. Kirkham and Sons (Tel. 6471)
Lancashire Evening Post 13th December 1944
William Bond 35 years Innkeeper
Nancy Bond 35 Wife
Frederick Booth 50 years Innkeeper b. Preston
Alice Booth 41 Wife b. Goosnargh
James Schofield 40 years Innkeeper b. Anderton
Alice Schofield 48 Wife b. Eccleston
James Schofield 49 years Publican b. Anderton
Alice Schofield 58 Wife b. Eccleston
Christopher Gregson 41 years Publican b. Preston
Hannah Gregson 18 Daughter do
Roger Gregson 17 Son do
John Gregson 15 Son do
Elizabeth Gregson 12 Daughter do
Eleanor Gregson 10 Daughter do
Veronica Gregson 9 Daughter do
Lily Gregson 5 Daughter do
Christopher Gregson 51 years Lic. Vict. b. Preston
John Gregson 25 Son do
Hannah Gregson 28 Daughter do
Elizabeth Gregson 22 Daughter do
Veronica Gregson 19 Daughter do
Sally (Lily) Gregson 15 Daughter do
John G. died in see piece in February 1902, above as a result of scolding, after falling into a hot vat of beer.
Margaret died after falling off a swing in c. 1883, aged 5 years - see Fountain Inn
Helena died as a result of peritonitis in c. 1884 aged 13 years - see Fountain Inn
Nicholas Fish 50 years Publican b. Darwen
Josephine Fish 38 Wife b. Cheshire
Jennie Fish 24 Daughter b. Turton
Nicholas Fish 16 Son / Appr. Engineer b. Manchester
Arther Fish 15 Son / Scholar b. Bolton
Hudson Fish 13 Son / Scholar do
Josephine Fish 12 Daughter / Scholar do
Frank Fish 10 Son / Scholar b. Droylesden
Dorrace Fish 6 Daughter / Scholar b. Preston
Lorna Fish 4 Daughter / Scholar do
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