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Tuesday, 2 October 2012

DURHAM OX, Park Road

40  (later 81)  Park Road

Photograph courtesy of Preston Digital Archives (Click here)

1828 -                William Hammond   -  d. 11.6.1831, see below.
1832 - 36           Richard Worthington
1839 - 44           Joseph Anderton   (Anderson)    d. 22.12.1844 Aged 59 years.
1847 - 56           Matthew Ferguson     Wife, Jane, d. 15.12.1853.
1856 - 60           John Ainscough
1860 - 69           Ralph Hayes     d. c30.5.1869
1869                  Catherine Hayes
1869 -                Richard Worden
1871                  William Swarbrick -    The Preston Guardian etc (Preston, England), Saturday, July 15, 1871;
                                            TRANSFER OF LICENSES - Durham Ox, Park-road, from Richard                                                       Worden to William Swarbrick
1871                  Catherine Hayes  
1871 - 96           William Swarbrick - The Preston Guardian etc (Preston, England), Saturday, August 26, 1871; 
                                            TRANSFER OF LICENSES - Durham Ox, Park-road, from Catherine                                                    Hayes to William Swarbrick.  William married Jane Birchall in 1862, they had one son                                                         - George - born in 1863.
1896 - 97           Richard Craven  [Prior address, 14 Brewery StFrom 1896 owned by Matthew Brown Brewery.
1898 - 1901       Thomas Jones
1901 - 02           Charles Billington    - came from the 'Fishwick Road Inn.'
1903 - 05           John Bateson
1906 - 14           Thomas Walsh      d. 25.8.1914 aged 63 years.
1914 - 17           Catherine Walsh
1924                   Mrs. Catherine Garlick  (Is this Catherine Walsh, remarried and widowed [again])?
1926 - 27           Harry Philipson
1932                   Paul Haydock
1936                   James Fewery  (Feury)
1940 - 48           Joseph Walmsley
DEATH:  On Saturday last, aged 40 years,
Mr. Hammond, Friargate, and formerly of
the Durham Ox public-house, of this town.
Preston Chronicle  18th June 1831 
Preston Chronicle  21st December 1839
Mr. Anderton of the Durham Ox Tavern, in this town,
has a sow pig, which he is now feeding, that is supposed
to weigh upwards of 40 score pounds. She is of the prick-
eared breed, is two years old, and has bred three litters.
She is supposed to be the finest and largest animal of the
description that has been fed in this town or neighbourhood
for some years. She girths upwards of 7 feet.
Preston Chronicle  8th January 1842
A few weeks ago we mentioned that Mr. Anderton, of the
Durham Ox public house, had in his possession an immense 
pig, which, he was then feeding. A few days ago, to satisfy the 
curious, she was conveyed to Mr. Gardner's weighing machine,
Church Street, and she weighted 10 cwt, or 56 score pounds.

She is to be killed in the beginning of Easter week.
Preston Chronicle  19th March 1842
Preston Chronicle 22nd August 1846
Preston Chronicle  16th January 1847

with the use of an excellent Yard, a
good supply of Water, and every 
Apply tp M. FERGUSON
Durham Ox.
Preston Chronicle 24th December 1847
Preston Chronicle  3rd July 1852
Preston Chronicle  27th November 1852
Preston Chronicle 25th November 1854
Preston Chronicle 26th January 1861
Preston Chronicle 31st August 1861

Preston Herald – 13th February 1864

Preston Chronicle 21st October 1865
Preston Chronicle 10th February 1866

Preston Herald – 31st July 1869


Preston Herald – 2nd October 1869


Preston Chronicle 6th November 1869

Preston Chronicle 19th March 1870
Preston Chronicle 13th August 1870
Preston Chronicle 24th September 1870
William Watson, a middle-aged man, was charged with stealing
a hand-bell from the Durham Ox public house, Park Road, value
2s 6d, the property of Mrs Hayes, Durham Ox.

He had gone into the house the worse for liquor, and upon going 
away he took the bell with him. PC Lee arrested him, and on
searching him found the bell. The prisoner alleged that he only
took it for a 'lark', and with no intention of stealing it.

Committed to the House of Correction for 21 days.
Preston Chronicle  7th January 1871
Preston Chronicle 8th July 1871
Preston Chronicle 15th June 1872
Extract from The Preston Herald 7th January 1874
APPLICATION FOR AN EXTENSION OF LICENCE - At the Borough Police Court on Monday before the Mayor the following persons obtained an extension of their licences for the first four days of this week during the fair …Mr Wm. Swarbrick "Durham Ox", Park-road.
Contributed by Dave Swarbrick - Thank you.
BREACH OF THE LICENSING ACT - William Swarbrick, landlord of the Durham Ox, Park-road, was summoned for committing a breach of his license on Sunday March 1st. Mr Edelston appeared for the defendant. - It appears that on Sunday morning, March 1st, about half past eleven, P.C. Walsh and P.D. Whalley, whilst on duty near the defendant's house, saw a man named Townsend go to the front door of the defendant's house and knock. A woman opened the door, and in about five minutes after they saw the woman give the man a quart of ale. Mr Edelston, in defence, stated that the defendant and his wife, at the time the offence was committed, were upstairs attending to a sick child, and were quite ignorant of what was going on downstairs. The woman, who had come to clean up, never thinking of the gravity of the offence she was committing, was over-persuaded by this man to let him have the beer. - Mr Oglethorpe said the defendant had been a publican for thirteen years, and that was the first offence. The Bench dismissed the case on payment of costs. 
The Preston Guardian etc (Preston, England), Saturday, April 11, 1874.
Contributed by Dave Swarbrick - Thank you.
Preston Chronicle 18th April 1874
NOTES re sales of the ownership of the Inn:-

1851          William Ormerod Pilkington to Joseph Walker

1874   Joseph Walker to William Swarbrick

1877  William Swarbrick to James Hall


Preston Herald – 31st May 1893


Preston Herald – 30th August 1899

Taken from the P.N.E. Handbook of the 1898 - 99 Season
December 21st. Best of talent. All friends welcome.
Tom Jones, Proprietor.
Lancashire Evening Post   20th December 1900

Lancashire Evening Post – 2nd July 1901


Lancashire Evening Post – 28th June 1904


Lancashire Evening Post – 24th October 1904


Lancashire Evening Post – 21st September 1905


Lancashire Evening Post – 9th October 1905


Lancashire Evening Post – 27th November 1906

APPLY :  TOM WALSH, Durham Ox,
Park Road, Preston.
Lancashire Evening Post   26th January 1907
Good Grocery, Confectionery and Tobacco business.
APPLY, Durham Ox, Park Road.

Lancashire Evening Post - 16 March 1907


Lancashire Evening Post – 22nd April 1907



APPLY:-  DURHAM OX, Park Road, Preston.

Lancashire Evening Post   -   18th July 1912


Lancashire Evening Post   -  25th July 1913

and again on:

Lancashire Evening Post  -  9th September 1914

Joseph Anderson               55 years                  Publican
Margaret Anderson           55                            Wife
William Anderson              25                            Son
Margaret Anderson           20                            Daughter
Ann Anderson                   15                            Daughter
Joseph Anderson               15                            Son
Francis Anderson              14                            Daughter

Matthew Ferguson            43years        Plumber/Glazier/Innkeeper  b. Preston
Jane Ferguson                   46                             Wife                         b. Sedbergh
Betsy Ferguson                 18                            Daughter                    b. Preston
Isabella Ann Ferguson       7                             Daughter                            do
Honora Shea                     17                      General Servant               b. Ireland

Ralph Hays                      39 years                   Innkeeper                    b. Walton-le-dale
Catherine Hays                34                             Wife                           b. Cumberland
Mary Ann Hays                 2                             Daughter                     b. Preston
Catherine A Hays              7 months                 Daughter                              do

Catherine Hayes              (Absent)                  
Mary Hayes                    12 years                   Daughter                      b. Preston
Catherine Hayes              10                            Daughter                              do
Joseph Hayes                   9                             Son                                      do
John Hayes                      5                              Son                                     do

William Swarbrick           55 years                  Lic. Vict.                      b. Goosnargh
Jane Swarbrick               45                           Wife                             b. Thurnham
George Swarbrick           17                           Son                              b. Preston

William Swarbrick          65 years                  Lic. Vict.                      b. Goosnargh
Jane Swarbrick              55                            Wife                            b. Thurnham

Thomas Jones                30 years                  Publican                       b. Kirkham
Mary Jones                    26                           Wife                            b. Ireland
Mary Teresa Jones          1                            Daughter                      b. Preston

Thomas Walsh

1 comment:

  1. William Swarbrick was born in Goosnargh in 1825, a son of George and Ann [Singleton] Swarbrick.

    In 1858 he was listed in the Post Office Directory as a beer seller at 30, Heatley Street, Preston.

    The 1861 census has him as the landlord of the John o' Gaunt at 17, Avenham Lane.

    Extract from Mannex’s 1866 Preston Directory:
    16, Avenham Lane - William Swarbrick
    Trades Section - Hotels and Inns: John O’ Gaunt Inn - William Swarbrick, 16, Avenham Lane

    Local News .
    The Preston Guardian etc (Preston, England), Saturday, July 15, 1871; Issue 3132.
    TRANSFER OF LICENSES - Durham Ox, Park-road, from Richard Worden to William Swarbrick

    Local News .
    The Preston Guardian etc (Preston, England), Saturday, August 26, 1871; Issue 3138.
    TRANSFER OF LICENSES - Durham Ox, Park-road, from Catherine Hayes to William Swarbrick

    Extract from The Preston Herald 7th January 1874
    APPLICATION FOR AN EXTENSION OF LICENCE - At the Borough Police Court on Monday before the Mayor the following persons obtained an extension of their licences for the first four days of this week during the fair …MR Wm. Swarbrick Durham Ox Park-road.

    The Preston Guardian etc (Preston, England), Saturday, April 11, 1874; Issue 3197.
    BREACH OF THE LICENSING ACT - William Swarbrick, landlord of the Durham Ox, Park-road, was summoned for committing a breach of his license on Sunday March 1st. Mr Edelston appeared for the defendant. - It appears that on Sunday morning, March 1st, about half past eleven, P.C. Walsh and P.D. Whalley, whilst on duty near the defendant's house, saw a man named Townsend go to the front door of the defendant's house and knock. A woman opened the door, and in about five minutes after they saw the woman give the man a quart of ale. Mr Edelston, in defence, stated that the defendant and his wife, at the time the offence was committed, were upstairs attending to a sick child, and were quite ignorant of what was going on downstairs. The woman, who had come to clean up, never thinking of the gravity of the offence she was committing, was over-persuaded by this man to let him have the beer. - Mr Oglethorpe said the defendant had been a publican for thirteen years, and that was the first offence. The Bench dismissed the case on payment of costs.

    Advertisements & Notices .
    The Preston Guardian etc (Preston, England), Saturday, April 25, 1874; Issue 3199.
    Sale of Valuable Freehold Public Houses
    Lot 1. - All that freehold INN or PUBLIC HOUSE known by the sign of the "Durham Ox," with the Yard, Brewhouse, and Stable and other Buildings belonging thereto, in the occupation of Mr Wm. Swarbrick, and his under-tenants. These premises have a considerable frontage to Park-road, Dover-street, and Alfred-street, and are subject to the payment of an apportioned annual ground rent of £15 1s 8d.

    Extract from The Preston Chronicle and Lancashire Advertiser June 3rd 1893 - William Swarbrick, landlord of the “Durham Ox” on Park Road went to court to recover £2 10s 0d owed to him by William Maddocks. The money was part payment for a bicycle.

    Extract from Slater’s Directory 1895
    Public Houses - Durham Ox William Swarbrick, 40, Park Road

    William married Jane Birchall in 1862, they had one son - George - born in 1863.

    Dave Swarbrick [no relation]
