13 and 14 Church Street
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They may have changed the name of the place, and the lion may no longer be red, but he still stands over the entrance. |
1809 Believed to have first opened. See, also, the 'Old Red Lion'.
1815 - 18 John Holland - May well have gone to the "Red Lion" in
Warrington c. 1825
1824 - 47 Joseph Croft
1847 - 53 Thomas Rainford
1854 ? William Rainford
1855 - 58 Thomas Rainford
1858 - 63 Roger Bowling
1863 - 67 William Crook
1867 - 72 Benjamin Walmsley
1873 - 76 Joseph Culshaw
1877 Charles H. Axon
1877 - 79 William Dickinson
1879 - 81 William Shaw - with J. Sharrock as manager in 1880.
1881 - 82 Joseph Banks - came from the Mitre Inn, Fishergate.
1883 Thomas Blackley
1884 James Dougal
1885 - 95 Charles Walmsley - Manager. NB. Arthur Milnes was manager in 1891 & 1892.
1896 - 99 William James Flood
1899 - 1901 John Little
1903 Kathleen Little
1904 - 05 Harold Halling
1905 - 06 John Robert Brindle - came from the Bears Paw / Grapes Hotel, Church Street.
1906 - 17 Agnes Brindle
1924 - 32 James Capstick
1936 William C. Sharples
1940 Harry Charnock
1944 Mrs. Lillian Charnock
1954 - 67 George and Ann Wagner
1970's - 1988 Thomas Womack
Lancaster Gazette 9th September 1815
Lancaster Gazette 26th September 1818
Lancaster Gazette 4th January 1823
Red Lion Hotel
Church Street, Preston.
............with a view to render his house
in every way calculated for the purpose of a
first-rate Hotel, he has lately rebuilt the
whole of the premises.
Preston Chronicle 16th August 1828
DEATH: In June last, on his passage home
from Demerara, James, second son of
Mr. Joseph Croft, Red Lion Inn, aged 21 years.
Preston Chronicle 9th August 1834
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Preston Chronicle 28th May 1836 |
Change of time of the morning
Coach to Liverpool.
The Public are respectfully informed that
the UMPIRE has commenced running from
CROFT'S, Red Lion Hotel, Church Street,
every morning to LIVERPOOL at half-past
SEVEN instead of half-past EIGHT, and
will arrive in Liverpool at half-past ten.
Performed by CROFT & Co.
Preston Chronicle 9th July 1836
Preston Chronicle 9th October 1847
No. 13 Church Street, Preston.
Begs to acquaint the gentlemen of Preston and the
surrounding district, that he is appointed Sole Agent
for Preston (and a circuit of 20 miles round) for the
sale of Major's celebrated British Remedy for the
cure of Ring bones, Spavins, Curds, Splints, and all
Tumours and Ossifications to which that noble animal,
the Horse, is liable.
A single bottle is sufficient to cure from four to six
spasms, price £1. 15s, and may be had on application
as above.
Should noblemen or gentlemen wish to send their Horses
as patients to the Red Lion Hotel, Church Street, they
will be properly attended to and the charges will be moderate.
Preston Chronicle 4th December 1852
Notice of sale of furniture, brewing
equipment, carriages, &c., prior to
Thomas Rainford's removal to the
White Bull, Ambleside.
Preston Chronicle 24th April 1858
ROGER BOWLING, of the Red Lion Hotel, wishes
to acquaint the Public generally that he has lately
entered upon the above establishment, which he has
thoroughly renovated and fitted up with every
accommodation calculated to ensure the comfort of
his guests.
Family parties, Christmas Visitors, and others,
will meet with every domestic arrangement.
A capital stud of horses, with every description
of covered and open vehicles. Good Stabling
and Lock-up Coach-houses.
All Beverages of first-class quality.
Preston Chronicle 11th December 1858
The celebrated Mr. JOHN ROBERTS, Champion
Billiard Player, prior to his departure for America,
will play a GAME, one thousand up, with a
distinguished amateur, at the Red Lion Hotel,
Church Street, on Wednesday 10th inst.
Tickets 5s each, to be had at the bar of the Hotel.
Play to commence at 7 o'clock.
Preston Chronicle 6th January 1866
Child deserted by mother on the
doorstep of the Red Lion, at 9pm
on Monday 3rd May. The child,
(male), was taken to the Fulwood
Preston Chronicle 8th May 1869
Preston Chronicle 24th July 1869
On Saturday March 19th 1870,
a sale at the Red Lion of
"Purest Alderney and Guernsey
cows and heifers, all with calf.
Preston Chronicle 12th March 1870

Sale of Shares at £5 each to raise £30,000
to be Incorporated Under the Companies Acts, 1862 & 1867
Reg'd Office: Red Lion Hotel, Church Street, Preston
Preston Chronicle 20th March 1875
beg to announce that the arrangements for departure
of their 'BUSES from the Red Lion Hotel, Church
Street, on and after Monday, 8th inst., to and from
Fulwood, are as follows until further notice:-
To Fulwood: 8am 9am 1pm 6.10pm 8.10pm
From Fulwood: 8.30am 9.30am 2.10pm 6.40pm 8.40pm
Arrangements for other routes are being matured.
Preston Chronicle 6th November 1875
in Church Street
Mr. H. C. Walton offered for sale by auction
on the 16th August, the well-known hotel, the
"RED LION," in Church Street. The property
was bid up to £4,100 and was withdrawn.
At the same time, the five newly erected shops
in front of the Preston Livery and Carriage
Company's premises, near the Blue Bell, in
Church Street, were also offered for sale, but
did not get a bid.
Preston Chronicle 18th August 1877
Preston Chronicle 29th December 1877
(With or without the Hotel)
And the Stables near the Blue Bell in Church
Street, lately occupied by the Preston Livery
and Carriage Company, Ltd, together or
Apply FORSHAW & PARKER, Solicitors, Preston.
Preston Chronicle 8th November 1879
Is one of the Oldest and most Central Hotels
in Preston; has been altered and beautified
on the latest modern principal. To visitors
they will find the above Hotel one of the
cheapest and most convenient to stay at
during the Show Week and Royal Visit at
Charles Walmsley (Manager)
Preston Chronicle 27th June 1885
On the 16th August, the directors of the Red Lion
Hotel Company (The Powerloom Overlooker's
Association), organised a trip for the general
customers of their establishment. This trip was
to the "Brighton of the West," - Blackpool.
Preston Chronicle 22nd August 1885
On December 31st 1945, at Caxton Hall, Westminster, Capt. V. Leigh Drew, only son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Drew of Rochester, Kent, to Mrs. Newman, wife of the latr Squadron Leader H. C. Newman, and only daughter of the late Mr. H. Charnock of the Red Lion Hotel, Preston.
Lancashire Evening Post 5th January 1946
Two Preston licensees will be taking part in a demonstration in London next week, to show how trade training courses are helping to improve the standard of service in Britain's 'locals.'
They are Mrs. E. Williams of the New Hall Lane Tavern, and Mr. George Wagner of the Red Lion Hotel, Church Street.
Their secrets of the art of good innkeeping will be revealed at the hotel and catering exhibition at Olympia.
Lancashire Evening Post 20th January 1956
Customers flee fierce pub blaze
More than twenty firemen battled for over an hour to control a blaze in a town centre pub.
The Red Lion Hotel in Church Street, Preston, was evacuated safely after the fire started in a first-floor bedroom.
Firemen using breathing gear searched the upper floors after reports that one person was missing, but all occupants were later accounted for.
The popular bar escaped serious damage but the first and second floor living accommodation was wrecked, and today, debris littered the pub courtyard.
Police say that the fire started when the licensee, Tom Womack lit a gas wall heater in a bedroom.
He went to the kitchen to make a meal and spotted flames coming from the bedroom.
Mr. Womack tackled the blaze, but was unable to put it out and called the fire brigade.
Four fire engines and an emergency tender were sent to the scene, and Church Street was closed during the fire-fighting operation.
Lancashire Evening Post 1st November 1988
Joseph Croft 55 years Publican
Bella Croft 55 Wife
Henry Croft 30 Son
William Croft 5 [Grand-son??]
Eliza Croft 20 Daughter
Belle Croft 15 Daughter
Hannah Croft 15 Daughter
Charlotte Croft 10 Daughter
Eldest daughter, Mary Croft, married Edward Melling, Land surveyor, in April 1839, across the road in the Parish Church.
Hannah Croft married John Rossall, draper of Preston, in late August 1849, at the Parish Church.
The Crofts were living at Ribbleton Lodge by this time.
Thomas Rainford 61 years ? Innkeeper b. ? Lancs.
Ester Rainford 56 Wife b. Croston
Nathan Rainford 26 Son b. Bispham
Margaret Rainford 17 Daughter b. Eccleston
William Rainford 13 Son do
Elizabeth Rainford 14 Daughter do
Roger Bowling 35 years Innkeeper b. Leyland
Sarah Bowling 24 Sister b. Walton-le-dale
Benjamin Walmsley 34 years Hotel Keeper b. Mellor
Alice Barton Walmsley 32 Wife b. Preston
James Walmsley 10 Son do
Margaret Townley Walmsley 1 Daughter do
Mary Walmsley 8 Daughter do
Charles Walmsley 3 Son b. Longridge
Joseph Banks 53 years ? Innkeeper b. Preston
Hannah Banks 52 Wife do
Charles Walmsley 52 years Hotel Manager b. Chipping
Mary Ann Walmsley 54 Wife b. Preston
Thomas Walmsley 23 Son do
John Little 40 years Publican b. Liverpool
Catharine Little 33 Wife b. Ireland
Thomas Mullen 18 Nephew / Barman b. Stockport
Gertrude Quigley 13 Niece do
Mary E. Cassidy 23 Domestic Cook b. Oldham
Mary Graham 21 Domestic Maid b. Ireland
Nellie Ashton 23 General Servant b. Liverpool
James Cartland 45 Boarder / Circus Clown b. Bradford
Violet Burton 18 Actress b. London
Frank Barclay 27 Actor do
Addie Barclay 26 Actress / Frank's wife b. Newcastle, Northumberland.
Agnes Brindle 52 years widow Publican b. Preston
Joseph Wilkinson 26 Servant / Barman do
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